Friday, August 22, 2008

Philadelphia Zoo

We spent Friday morning at the Zoo. The most shocking part of the day was that Emily actually went in the petting zoo. She touched and brushed the animals and loved it. I thought I might be able to get her on a small pony for a ride, but NO WAY. I guess the petting zoo was enough for one day!

Looking at the elephants!

This video is not that exciting, except for the fact that she is near the goat!

Trying to get the goat to "SIT"

Sesame Place!

Yesterday we went to Sesame Place, which is outside Philadelphia. It is a great place dedicated to Sesame Street! It is mostly a water park but it has plenty of rides and shows too. It also has a lot of things for small children to do without having to wait in line. Emily was not too fond of the characters. This did not surprise us, she liked the idea of them, especially from a distance but when we got too close she backed away. Of course she talked about them non-stop when we were not around them.....anyway it was a wonderful day!

In this water area there is not one photo of Emily without her tongue hanging out!
Emily LOVED riding the horses on the merry-go-round. She actually rode this 6 times in a row! This was shocking to us as she does not like things that are new.

Notice who is next to Zoe.....not Emily!

Having fun with the water

We thought we would take Emily back to the hotel for a nap. She slept 20 minutes in the car and that was it. So we went right back to Sesame Place and stayed until 8pm ( we arrived there at 10:30am).

Sunday, August 17, 2008

My Daddy is a Triathlete!

Today Rick did a 1/2 iron man triathlon. That is a a 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile run and 13.1 mile run! It was a great day! Emily cried every time she saw Rick, until the finish....when he came down the finish shoot, she was sleeping on the ground!
Waiting to see my Daddy!Finishing the bike!

The finish line is in sight.....
And Emily is sleeping!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Story Land!

We have just come back from our first, and I am sure not our last, trip to Story Land. We had a wonderful time! Emily loved riding on the train around the park, driving the cars, and getting stickers from the Old Woman Who Lived in the Shoe.....

The Swan Boat, which Emily calls the Duck Boats!

JUMPING into the HUGE ball pit!

Playing the piano like Paul!

driving the tractor

Her first trip on the train! She loved this!

Asleep, no less than 2 minutes in the car!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Hands Free Swimming!

Emily loves swimming in the "big pool" at Sudden Pitch! She wears a bubble and is able to "swim" where ever she wants! The harder she swims, the more her tongue sticks out. I can't get her to keep her mouth closed!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Finally, a Beach Day!

It was finally nice enough to go to the beach today. It was a little chilly when the sun was behind the clouds, but at least it was not raining! As you will see Emily continues with her JUMPING! She counts....7,8,7,8 and then she jumps. I don't know what happened to the numbers 1-6.... it is pretty funny!

7, 8, 7, 8, JUMP!

A kiss for her favorite Daddy!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Rain, Rain Go Away!!!!!

We are so tired of rainy days! Today we went to The Discovery Stop, an indoor playground and discovery center. Emily loves to jump as you can see in the photo and video below. She did the same jump at least 30 times!



I hope this is the closest she comes to a police car!

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Corn on the cob is the only thing Emily gets excited to eat! She loves it and will usually eat at least one entire ear! She is concerned with things being too hot, which is why she keeps saying "OK"....which translates to.........."It is not too hot and OK to eat"