Thursday, April 30, 2009

Heat Wave

On Tuesday it was over 90 degrees in Manchester. We thought it best to break in our pool early and I realized how small it is, or how big she has gotten since last year.

This is a great toy but Emily can't seem to pull the string fast enough to make it fly..

.....but not for lack of trying!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Real Progress

The shed just needs a few more things....
roof shingles

I actually have to admit....this shed is impressive and Rick has done it all by himself. Sorry about the photo being slightly crooked. Did I mention the shed is 8 feet by 12 feet?

Big Girl Bike

Our friend Colleen gave this bike to us. Emily found it in the garage and insisted on riding it. I did not think she would be ready for it, but she proved me wrong.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Playing with SophieGabby!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Helping Daddy

Making her own shed

The constant chatter in this video is a small snippet of what I hear every day!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Project!

As most of you know, Emily has the most amazing Daddy! She is a very lucky girl in the Daddy department. However, as most of you know,or may not know, Emily's Daddy has a very difficult time finishing any project. He is great at starting things and somewhere along the way he gets distracted and things go amiss. So here is the beginning of his newest project, a shed. I will keep you updated on the progress...a type of therapy for me.

April 11

April 12

April 21

April 25

There are actually people who have bets on the date for the 100% completion of this project...... stay tuned!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Still Holding the Fork!

Today at lunch.....out like a light!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Opening Day!

Today my Mommy promised to take me to the park! I really love the park, even if Mommy thought it was to cold there. I love to swing on my belly (I only fell on my face once) and I like to slide too.

Monday, April 20, 2009

New York City!

We went to visit Sal and Diane in NYC last weekend. We went to the Central Park Zoo and spent the day in the park. The weather was warm and sunny and we had a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good friends!

Feeding the sheep!

There was a table in the zoo where kids could decorate their own "reusable bags" Emily loved this and spent quite a bit of time coloring her bag.

On the subway....

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Look What I Learned Today!

Today Emily found this tricycle in the garage and it became our afternoon project. These 3 videos show her progress...... we worked on this for about 40 minutes.
There is a nice story how we came to have this particular bike... which is too long for the blog.

Monday, April 13, 2009


We had a great time watching Emily on Easter morning. She kept saying "That was so nice" whenever she opened a present from the Easter Bunny. She did get a pair of dress up shoes, like Cinderella, and I broke down and finally took out the Cinderella dress she got for her birthday last year..... anyway she spent the day eating the little chocolate she did get while wearing her Cinderella dress!

A real lady!

Hunting for eggs outside!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Welcome Lily!

Emily's friend Tia has a baby sister Lily! She was born on April 4. We saw her for the first time today and Emily could not have been happier to hold her! Emily said "she has baby legs and a baby mouth and a baby nose"

Yes there is a real baby under the blanket!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Finger Painting!

The first time I tried this with Emily, a month ago, she would not touch the paint. Now she loves it and askes to do more and more. However, if you notice, she is using ONE finger only. Heaven forbid she should get anything else dirty.

Here she has graduated to TWO fingers....

Saturday, April 4, 2009

All Ready!

I have my Minnie and my bag of books! I am all ready to go see Minnie and Mickey skating!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Don't try this at home!

You should not let your children play with matches!

.....they are making letters!

We were taking each others picture and she was saying