Friday, April 30, 2010

Famous Quote

"Giraffes are very tall. They have tall skin."

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My American Girl

On Tuesday we went to the American Girl Store, in Natick MA, with Tia and Lisa. There is no shortage pink, little girls with dolls, or things to spend (a lot) of money on. The person who invented this brand is a gazillionaire! Anyway, we had lunch, did a little shopping and had a girly day!

A glimpse into our future with teenagers...."we don't want our picture taken"

This is a little better

each doll gets her own seat and a muffin.....of course she does!

feeding Bitty

going home

Monday, April 26, 2010

Friday, April 23, 2010

A Little Sad

Emily loves to ride her bike. When we took her bike out from last year we realized it was VERY small and as luck would have it Toys R Us was also having a sale on bikes. So off we went to two different stores until we found the bike in her size. She does very well on the new bike and the old bike has already been handed down to our little friend Allie.
Why is this all sad, you might ask?
Well, just one more thing she outgrew and she is getting bigger by the minute and I can't do a thing to stop it.

Tia also got a new bike and was unsure how to ride it. Emily thought she was a big deal because she showed Tia how to ride a bike.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


As the photographer in the family I am not in most photos. This is OK with me but sometimes I have to make it a point to be in a photo or two just to prove I was there and that Emily has a Mommy.
Sunrise from our balcony...
Emily took this photo

Who says you need music to dance...Emily must hear the music from "within"

Monday, April 19, 2010


As I said before, Emily loved the pool in Cancun! She swam without her bubble a lot of the time but if she wanted to swim for a long period of time, or she was feeling tired she would put on her bubble. She is not strong enough to swim without it for an extended amount of time...but we are working on it!

We always bring a noodle with us and then pass it on to another family when we have to come home.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Higher Daddy!

Here are just a few examples of the fun Emily had in the pool.....with her Daddy

Rick threw her right out of the picture

Jumping off Daddy's shoulders!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


It is no secret how much I love the beach.
It is also no secret how much Emily loves to swim.
As you can see...there is a little conflict there.....
We just returned from a wonderful week in Cancun. Where, in the photos below, Emily had a great time at the beach.....which she did...the first morning we were there and then she only wanted to go to the pool. It was hard to get her out of the pool to even have lunch. So, below you will find the only photos of Emily on the beach. Many more to come of Emily in the pool.....
And yes, she won the tug-o-war....

Ready for her big beach "morning"

She does like the beach....she just LOVES the pool

Monday, April 12, 2010

Cinderella and the Prince

Cinderella is on the left, in the dress, of course.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Our Second Hunt

On Sunday afternoon we went to Tia's for an egg hunt. Emily loved it and we also helped celebrate Lily's first birthday!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sunday, April 4, 2010

More Firsts

First Easter Egg hunt
First face painting
First time eating candy...not really....hahaha
80 degrees + candy filled eggs = great afternoon


Organizing her loot

Shopping anyone?

Friday, April 2, 2010


Emily LOVES swinging and I love that she can swing by herself!