Sunday, May 30, 2010

Better Late Than Never

Auntie Kathy brought this adorable outfit all of the way from Egypt! The funny part is....she went to Egypt in December and she just gave Emily the outfit today!

Friday, May 28, 2010


Last weekend we went with Kendall and Kathy to get a pedicure! This is a big deal and Emily was very excited to be included in this ritual! Emily did not want to put her feet in the water, but otherwise she sat very still, even while waiting for her turn in the chair.
Kendall explaining the finer points of pedicures

waiting patiently

This is serious business


Tuesday, May 25, 2010


As most of you know Doug and school have not been a great combination but on Saturday, after 3 colleges and 5 years, he graduated from UNH! Emily stayed with Grammy during the graduation but she was first in line to have cake at the graduation party!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Emily was given this puzzle by our friend Susan and it has been a big hit!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Wedding Shower

On Saturday night we went to a Jack and Jill shower for Ricky and Kendall. It was held in Connecticut at Kendall Aunt's house and it was a wonderful night. It was a Luau theme complete with tiki torches, lei necklaces, a pig roast, and one man wearing a grass skirt! While Kendall and Ricky opened the presents Emily was the OFFICIAL CARD HOLDER, a job she took very seriously. Only 2 months until the wedding and we are very excited for Ricky and Kendall!

the bride and the flower girl

Getting the card

I love the legs crossed in this one!

Organizing the cards with (Chris) Bucci

Playing with Doug

The Leclerc boys

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sunday, May 9, 2010

My Favorite Day

Just wanted you all to see the complete outfit....tutu, Uggs, and all!

"helping" me open my present

the tongue

"What is it?"

Friday, May 7, 2010

My First Tea

I had my first Mother's Day Tea on Thursday. Emily made me a card, candle holders, and planted grass in a decorated the cup. Everything was wonderful, the snacks, drinks, and the company!

Emily and Evie at our table

I love Emily

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"New" Swing Set

Reduce - Reuse - Recycle
This weekend we were given a swing set from our friend Colleen! She bought it for her daughter 20 years ago! It is still in great condition and Emily is beyond thrilled. It took several hours on Sunday afternoon to move it and put it together but at 8pm Emily was swinging!

she went to get her tools, all on her own, so she could "help"


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Water Fun

The weather was very warm yesterday afternoon so we were able to have some early season fun in the water! I took the (very small) pool out of the garage and Emily had fun in our backyard and then we went to her friend Evie's house for more fun. Evie had a slip-n-slide which Emily was happy just to walk on for a while and then as she was more comfortable (and she saw Evie doing it) she went on her belly! The girls had a lot of fun together and Maggie was there too.

She is much to big for this little pool!

getting use to the new toy

checking it out from the side

go Evie!
