Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Exercising with Dougy

This is an every day ritual for Emily and Doug. He is a very good sport about it and always lets Emily jump on his back.

She always forgets the number 15....

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Charmingfare Farm

On Friday we went to Charmingfare Farm with Maria and Cam. We saw many animals, rode in the wagon, and some of us fed the animals. The only bummer was there were no pony rides during the week. The woman at the counter gave us free tickets to come back another day so Emily could ride the ponies! We went back on Saturday and had a great time again!

Emily was supervising Cam while he fed the baby calf

Emily could not bring herself to feed the goats. She tried, she talked a big game but when it came down to it, it was a no go! Finally she held the bag of food and the goat ate from it.

Emily telling Rick how to feed the reindeer!

So happy. She had 5 pony rides


There were many children's activities on Saturday and some live music playing, perfect for Emily to dance (and I use that term loosely).

Friday, September 24, 2010

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Monkey Bars

Emily has been trying the monkey bars since the beginning of school and last week she mastered them!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

While I Was Out.....

Rick and Emily made pizza!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Apple Picking

On Tuesday, Emily's had her first field trip of the year. The field trip is actually really fun because the kids get to pick apples and a pumpkin, feed goats, and play in/on a hay bale maze.

Emily and her 6 apples that she won't eat

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First Race

On Sunday Emily ran in her first race. Emily is normally "nervous" about new things but we totally hyped it up, and she knew she could run with Elizabeth (from CT), so she was totally prepped! She ran and loved it. It was fun to watch her run and thank you to Elizabeth for taking Emily under her wing and showing her the ropes.

Elizabeth and Emily - pre-race photo
Emily is a little nervous here

loving it!

Wearing their chocolate medals

eating the medal!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Driveway Tennis Part 2

Good thing the Driveway Tennis Season will be able to continue deep into the fall! Emily loves to play tennis and asks quite often to play! She also has picked up a little grunting (from TV tennis) and attitude if she misses the ball (from Sudden Pitch tennis). I nipped that in the bud, quickly!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

And That's a Summer, Folks

Words can not express what a wonderful summer we had. The weather was nothing short of perfect and we were able to enjoy every minute. There were so many highlights: Ricky's wedding, Sesame Place, the beach, Story Land, and of course Sudden Pitch. Emily would rather go to Sudden Pitch more than anywhere else, I think. It has been interesting to watch her grow up there, from an infant that I could not bring in he sun to a toddler who could only go in the baby pool. Now she is a great swimmer who needs no bubble no matter what part of the pool she is in!
The other part of her love for Sudden Pitch is the friends she has made there. There is a pack of little girls that she just runs around and plays with! Sometimes the girls are older, 8 or 9, and sometimes they are her age, but no matter, they just play together so well and hardly give their parents a second glance (unless they are hungry). We were there for 9 hours on Saturday and 8 hours on Sunday and we hardly saw Emily at all. She loves when the older girls paint her nails, and of course she LOVES when Gabby is there too!
This is her "pencil dive"... lingo she learned from the older girls!

strutting her stuff around the pool

Emily and Tia

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Evie's Birthday

In July we celebrated Evie's birthday at the YMCA with a gymnastics party! Good times and good friends.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Boogie Boarding

We went back to the beach on Monday and the waves were just a great as Sunday. I bought Emily a boogie board figuring her little kick board was not quite her speed anymore. She loved the bigger board and did very well with it!

waiting for the perfect wave