Sunday, February 27, 2011

More of the Same

Sorry but I never get tired of skiing photos....besides, it is all we do lately!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Welcome Sawyer

On February 20th Evie's baby brother arrived! We went to the hospital to see them and Emily LOVED holding him.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Black Diamond

Last Friday Emily skied down her first black diamond trail......and the next run she skied the double black diamond!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Faster than Grammy

We had a great day skiing with Grammy on Friday. It was 60 degrees and partly sunny, not bad for February! And yes, Emily skis faster than her Grammy, but I am sure she will be faster than me one day too!

Grammy in the distance

wonderful day!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Too Fast

Wednesday was a monumental day for Emily, and me.

First, Emily told me she had a bite (I am sure it was a minuscule bite) of raw carrot at school and she did not gag, and no one helped her do it, she took the bite all by herself!

Second, we had our 3rd trip to the dentist and she did everything the dentist asked her to do. The last 2 trips we have had only moderate success but this time was amazing, I was shocked, as was Linda, the hygienist.

Third...and this is a big one.....Emily came home from school and read us a book! Her teacher, Miss Lorie, has started to work with her, and a few others, on sight words and early reading concepts. I was shocked! The best part is that Miss Lorie said Emily totally "gets it!" She has read these little books non-stop for 2 days now and loving it.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


On Sunday Emily discovered a series of bumps on the side of a trail at Pats Peak. These bumps are tricky because you have to carry enough speed to go up each bump but not too much speed that you fall. Emily absolutely loved this! Rick was there with a helpful pole if she did not have enough speed and sometimes had to pull her out of the ditch. Emily wanted to ski this trail over and over again.
I hope this is the beginning of her learning to ski moguls so she does not end up like her parents...helpless in the moguls.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

A List

It would be hard to pinpoint what Emily loves the most about Pats Peak. There are so many great things, for families, about the mountain.
Things she loves...
1. Boris and Snowball - the mascots
2. the art project in the lodge at lunchtime
3. the slide built into a snowbank
4. The bag of M&M's she gets every time we go...half for after lunch and half for the ride home
5. spending time with her parents
6. the skiing

The empty bag of M&M's on the seat and, if you look closely, some remnants on her face too

Thursday, February 10, 2011

P is fo Pizza...

....and Papa Gino's....which is where Emily's class went for a field trip to make, and eat, their own pizza's during "P" week at school.

Emily and her BFF, Evie


Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Last week we went to see Princesses on Ice. The Rubin family came over for pizza before the show. Emily and Evie looked very fancy in their dresses that they wore to the show.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Fun With Baby Cam

We were lucky enough to have dinner with the Hawkins family last weekend. Emily had a great time running around the house with Cam. The adults were supposed to clap as Emily and Cam ran by us!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Embrace the Snow

Last weekend we took Emily sledding for the first time. There were a lot of our friends there, with their older children, and we all had a great time! Emily wanted to go again and again and again.......

Thursday, February 3, 2011