Sunday, July 31, 2011

Emily's Dream Day

On Saturday we were lucky enough to be able to bring Gabby to the beach with us! Emily could hardly contain herself, the entire day with Gabby! One of her other favorite (older) friends, Megan, was there too.

Gabby is a very good sport

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Sunday Ride

On Sunday we went for our first family ride on the rail trail in Nashua. We had never done this before and it was really fun. The trail is 11 miles long and quite scenic. We probably only rode 6 miles total and as luck would have it there is an ice cream stand along the trail! I bought a new bike last year and this is the first time it has left the North Gate Rd area. Emily had a great time ringing her bell every time a walker/rollerblader/biker passed us.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

More Avery

Last Saturday we went to see Avery in her home. All is well and Emily is loving being an Aunt!

I feel like it was yesterday when Rick held Emily like this.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Santa's Village - Part II

These cupcake chairs were all over the park. They are so cute I would love to have one for our house!

Emily loves all the shows!

These elves were the hit of the park, for adults and children alike! When you enter the park you have to get a card with all the letters of the alphabet on it. Each time you see an elf you put your card in a little box, pull the handle, and it punches the letter out. When you get all 26 your take it back to "Elfabet" University and get a prize! The girls loved finding the elves.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Santa's Village - Part 1

On Friday we had the most incredible day with Kellie and Evie at Santa's Village. The drive was under 2 hours and well worth it. There was no one there! No lines...not even one! We will definitely go back....soon!

Emily fed several Reindeer...the cracker was big enough so she did not have to get too close...note her tongue

We saw SC twice

The girls loved this ride. It only lasted 7 seconds but they did it over and over...sometimes together and sometimes separate

There is a wonderful new water park. It is a perfect size for the little ones, great slides for the more daring and tons of other ways to have fun!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Fun with Friends

On Wednesday we went to The Palace to see Beauty and the Beast. Of all of the shows I have seen over the last few summers this one was by far the best! Evie, and family, came to Sudden Pitch after the show. Great day!

Emily and "wardrobe"

Emily and "Chip" - after he became human

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Avery Elizabeth Leclerc

She arrived (a day early) on Monday July 11, 2011. She is nothing short of perfect and the parents are doing well. I just hope Emily realizes that she has to share Kendall with the baby!

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Evie's birthday party
holding a starfish...shocking....she never holds or touches any creatures

The last birthday celebration with Nancy at the beach. Emily blew out candles on 5 different cakes in the "birthday month"

Rick's parents

Just one minute ago Kelsey was holding Emily like this....this baby is Kelsey's Godchild/ cousin