Friday, September 30, 2011

Just the Beginning

Emily started Kindergarten at the Bedford Montessori School at the beginning of September. I was not sure how the transition would go but it is OK so far. In the morning she tells me she doesn't want to go to school and she wants to stay with me (of course she does) but as soon as she gets out of the car she is great. The teachers say she is doing well and is ready for the all day program. On Monday she came home so happy and talked about her reading and writing. We went to Evie's that day and she made Evie write words with her. She was writing all the words she knows that end in the "at" sound. It was fun to watch, although I am not sure how much fun Evie had.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Dancing Again....

Parents are allowed in the dance studio for the first 10 minutes and then at the very end of class we are allowed back in and the girls do a little performance (see video).

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Friday, September 23, 2011

Pure Magic - The Final Chapter

Emily's favorite part of the day was making her own fairy house. The organizers has A TON of materials for the children to choose from and a lot of space to spread out to create their house. Emily's house is a "summer house" and she spent almost an hour creating it!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Pure Magic - Part 2

To make the day more magical, if that is possible, there was a fairy ballet show in Prescott Park. The show lasted 15 minutes and then all the little girls were invited on stage to dance with the fairies.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Pure Magic

Today we went to Portsmouth for a Fairy House Tour! I did not know what to expect but what we found was pure magic. No commercialization, no Disney characters, just fairy houses. They were all over Strawberry Banke (my first time there). They were in the gardens, in the houses, anywhere you could think of....and they were amazing. Most were built by children and some by adults, but all wonderful. This will be at least a 2 part post....stay tuned....

even the signs were magical

checking out a fairy house


fun to have girls

There was a HUGE bubble machine and the kids loved chasing the bubbles!

good for her soccer mobility!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Charmingfare Farm

Last weekend we went to Charmingfare Farm to see the animals and (most importantly) to ride a horse. Emily, for the first time, actually let the goats eat out of her hand. Now, if there was one goat she was fine but if other goats came over to her she would stop immediately! Apparently she can only feed one at a time. We had several pony rides on our friend Snickers too.

Making a list and checking it twice....

....a list of all the animals we saw

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Once Upon a Time 1978, there were two best friends and they had matching red sweatshirts. Fast forward 33 years and with the power of Facebook, my daughter and her best friend also have matching red sweatshirts. Let me explain....Kathy (AKA California Kathy) and I had matching red sweatshirts in 5th grade. This is one of the memories that Kathy and I relive often. As I post photos of Emily and Evie on FB Kathy often comments...."all they need are some red sweatshirts"...etc. Kellie (Evie's Mom) sees these posts and the next thing I know the girls have the sweatshirts....amazing to have friends who are so thoughtful....

Now... if I just had a photo of Kathy and I in our red sweatshirts...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Last Day

Last Tuesday Emily and I had a special day at the American Girl Doll Store in Natick. I was feeling like it was the last day before my girl goes to school and I wanted to do something special with her. I gave her several choices and as luck would have it (note the sarcasm) she picked the AG store. She got Felicity's ears pierced, her hair done, and a new outfit for her doll. This all happened in 20 minutes.....and you don't even want to know the cost....

Felicity getting he hair done

Emily signing for the doll

We had lunch at the Cheesecake Factory


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Time Flies......

....when you are having (the most) fun. Emily started Kindergarten yesterday and I am beyond sad. I have never wanted to freeze time the way I would like to right now. We have had the best summer and the best 5 years that I could have ever imagined. I feel like now, time will go by faster and faster and before I know it she will be going to college. I know, I know....sounds crazy..but the last 5 years have gone by in the blink of an eye. She had a good morning (2 hours), full day does not start until Monday.

Yes, she took Napper to school. Napper sat in her cubby and waited for Emily to return

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ores Party

We had a few of Emily's buddies over for an Ores party on Sunday. If you recall, from posts gone by, Emily calls S'mores, if she is going to have "some" of them. Anyway, I don't have the heart to correct her and it was a great Ores party!

Declan, Grace, Tiny (Libby),Cobe, Evie, Leah, Emily, Maggie

Sunday, September 4, 2011

First Game

Saturday was Emily's first soccer game. It was a very successful day because she had a lot of fun. Three of her best buds are on the team and Logan (every ones heart throb from pre-school) ...which makes for a good social hour. You will see lots of photos of Emily running after the ball but she does not actually kick it as much as it might appear. She has yet to figure out how to be aggressive....this might never happen, it is not her personality! On the first day of practice she did not want to kick the ball into the goal because a girl was standing in the goal and she did not want to hurt her......

Grace, Emily, and Leah

Friday, September 2, 2011

Emily and Evie

I never get tired of watching these two girls play together. It truly is something special.