Monday, January 30, 2012

Catching Air

Even though there is no natural snow this winter we are still having a great time at Pats Peak (without the crowds). I thought this photo deserved its own post. Not for the photography, because it was taken with my little camera and it was just total luck that I got the shot, but because Emily really got air off this jump. Her skiing is improving each week....more on that in the next post.
Click on the photo to enlarge it and look at the expression on her face

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Birthday Party Fun

Today Leah turned 6 and she had a gymnastics party! It was big fun for all the kids!

Now if she could do this with skis on....
Climbing the wall....
...and then letting go and falling into the pit

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Monday, January 23, 2012

As Luck Would Have It......

Yesterday was Mascot Day at Pats Peak. There were more than 10 mascots and characters and Emily was in heaven!

Friday, January 20, 2012


Right now Emily has 3 favorite things....You're Fired, art projects, and seeing shows/plays. On Wednesday we were back at our beloved Palace Theater to see the play Annie. We just happen to know the girl who played Annie so it was extra special. On Thursday night we went to the Verizon Arena to see Disney on Ice!
BIG week!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


As previously reported, this has not been a good winter (so far). It is finally cold enough for the water to freeze on the rink and Rick has been working hard getting the ice ready! Emily has been on the rink twice and is loving it. Unfortunately, at press time, it is raining......rats!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Perfect Gift

In 1984, when I was a senior in high school, my Father gave me the best gift I ever received, a camera. I always had a camera growing up but this was a "real" one, a 35mm Pentax K1000. I used that camera for over 20 years until I finally went digital in 2005 or so. I wanted to give Emily her first camera and that is what I did for Christmas. A small, pink (of course), digital and she was so pleased! Here are a few of the first photos she took on Christmas day.

a fairy house
a drawing of Glinda she did that has been hanging on our wall for months

Thursday, January 12, 2012

My Skier

still trying to figure out the zoom on my new little camera, sorry for the bad videos

Monday, January 9, 2012

Fragile Collection

Two of Emily's favorite things right now are her "fragile collection" and going to You're Fired (a paint your own pottery place). As luck would have it, those two things go hand in hand. She absolutely loves going to You're Fired. So much so that she asked her brothers for gift certificates for Christmas...well I asked for her because really, the place is expensive. Luckily they obliged and we have been twice since Christmas.
After we get the piece back it goes directly to Emily's fragile collection. This is set up in the top of her bookcase and now it is moving onto other shelves as well.

I can't wait to get this beauty back on Friday, it is the 3rd princess she has painted so far
The moon piece is from You're Fired and the others are from a set Santa gave her
Emily loves to add to the collection with anything she deems "fragile" There are even ceramic characters from my trip to Disney when I was in the 4th grade.....thanks Mom for saving them...I think

Friday, January 6, 2012

No - Go

I am sure you are all waiting to find out if Emily is going to sign up for dance again. The answer is, much to my surprise, NO! I was shocked. Kellie and I spoke to Evie and Emily separately and together and they both said they want to sign up for gymnastics instead. These conversations happened before the recital so I actually signed Emily up for dance thinking after the recital she would change her mind. She didn't, so I dropped the class. I am not really sure why she wanted the change, maybe ballet was a bit boring and gymnastics is more active? I know she loved being on stage at the recital but she thought all the waiting for her turn to go on stage was boring.

In any event we are back in gymnastics!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Reader

To say that I love the Bedford Montessori School would be an understatement. Their program is amazing, and just right for Emily. Watching her learn to read has been amazing, I still cant believe it is happening. And by the way...Emily loves her school too!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Mike and Jack

Mike is very mellow
Jack is...well, more active

They are both adorable!

Monday, January 2, 2012

As Luck Would Have It....

Today was character day at Pats Peak. Emily was in her glory.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Museum of Fine Arts

Last week Emily and I were treated to a day at the MFA by my brother's mother in law, Diana. She is a volunteer there and knows the ins and outs of the museum. We were able to enter the museum before it opened to avoid the midday crowds. To say Emily loved the experience would be an understatement. There were 4 art projects spread throughout the museum which was a highlight for Emily. She also loved looking at the art and would pick her favorite painting in each room.

This tree was brilliant! 42 feet high made of hand blown glass.

Haystack by Monet, my favorite artist
Emily's favorite painting by Renoir
working on an art project in the Greek section, the carving behind her were made in 500 AD