Sunday, April 29, 2012

Impressionist Paintings

The best $10 I have spent, in quite some time, was on an Impressionist Sticker Book at the Currier. Emily and I spent the afternoon filling in the sticker book with all the stickers. After we were done Emily wanted to do some of the painting in the book. This was great fun because the Impressionists are  my favorite painters, particularly Monet, and I had a large painting in the attic which thrilled Emily to no end. Below you will find some of her work. What I could not convince her to do, was paint the paintings on big paper. Just because the stickers were small doesn't mean the actual paining were small....oh well...we had a great time!

 Houses of Parliament by Monet

 The Poplars by Monet

 The Water-Lily Pond by Monet

Friday, April 27, 2012

The Currier Museum

On Monday Emily and I met Pranay and his mom at The Currier Museum. There was a story/art project time which is right up Emily's alley. The museum is a little gem! It is just the right size to walk the entire museum without anyone (including me) getting bored or tired. Emily had her camera and we had a great time looking at the art and taking a lot of photos as well!

 this is what Emily spent her time doing...taking photos

 Monet, my favorite
 Emily's favorite painting
Emily and Pranay working on the project

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Last week we went to the Christa Mcauliffe Planetarium. I have not been there since I was teaching in Concord and I have to admit I was no more impressed with it now than I was then. It is OK and Emily liked it but the show is a little outdated and I feel like there should be more "stuff". But as I said, Emily loved it (because she is still obsessed with anything having to do with the planets) and we got to see Cam there as well.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

So Proud

Emily is so proud of all of her work. Several people came to her art show including Kendall, Avery, Daddy, Grammy, Evie, Cobe, and Kellie!
She loved showing Evie around her school.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Art Show

One of the first projects, a mirror made of clay, then fired and painted
lily pad made of clay
one of my favorites, photography. Each child took a photo of the same spot on the playground during 3 seasons.
"found art"

Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Puppet

One of the most intricate projects is Emily's puppet. It was a several week project and Emily loves the way hers came out. Each child made a puppet and a few weeks ago they were put in groups of 4 or 5 and had to work together to perform a puppet show in front of the class.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Painter

One of my favorite pieces of art is Emily's self portrait. I love that she painted herself with pigtails and that she included Paul in her family. The children not only made amazing art works they also learned about different artists and used their works as examples.
In the watercolor below if you look closely at the top of the painting you see 3 little faces...Emily, Napper, and Kitty.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Artist

Words can not describe how amazing the Bedford Montessori School is. Most people say that Disney World is the most magical place on earth but Emily knows that her kindergarten is really THE most magical place. I could go on and on but this post (and several more to come) is focused on the art program and art show. The Kindergartners work every Thursday on the most wonderful art projects. They begin in September and continue thru April when the art show begins. The children work in small groups, and sometimes one-on-one, with the director to create all types of art. Emily's favorite project was making the endangered species mask. Each child had to pick an endangered species as his/her subject and create a mask. The masks were made of clay and paint. This project went on for several weeks and finished by making a haiku poem about the animal.
The second project in this post is the kaleidoscope picture. Each one was so unique, just like a kaleidoscope.....amazing.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Friday, April 13, 2012

Easter Morning

We had a busy Easter and it began with Emily following the trail of marshmallow bunnies to find her basket and a few presents. Her favorite present was the "fragile" statue of Glinda and Dorothy. Oh that Easter Bunny, she is so smart!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Odds and Ends from Mexico

Family cheers!
Rick lasted 7 seconds on this bull
view from the room
Emily loves having her hair braided. This woman has been braiding hair for 24 years!

The shows were fun at night! Always a sucker for a character!