Saturday, June 30, 2012

Dorothy - Part 2

 Emily really wanted Glinda to come to her party but she wasn't available so she had to settle for a Glinda balloon instead

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Dorothy - Part One

Emily had been counting down the days until her party for over a month! The day finally arrived last Saturday and all went well!!!!! Dorothy might look and sound a little like Ariel from Emily's birthday last year....... but it was a great time! The girls might be starting to notice that they are the same person but no one knows for  sure.

 the look of worship 

clearly those dane lessons did not pay off

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Slide Rock Park

If you head north from Sedona, on your way to the Grand Canyon, Oak Creek Canyon is the road you use. It is a beautiful drive and several miles out of Sedona is Slide Rock Park. The video below describes it best. It is a beautiful spot and it is very popular! It is a great place to just cool off, or spend the day. 

the water was a little chilly

 I couldn't resist doing it too!
drying off

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Sedona is one of the most beautiful towns I have ever been to. We went on a Pink Jeep Tour that took us into the back country, and up and down some steep terrain. Emily was beyond thrilled to be in a pink vehicle and the scenery was equally as exciting!

 I love this agave tree
 snoopy rock
bell rock

Friday, June 22, 2012

A Hike and A Sunset

The prove how much I love national parks you have to know that I will actually hike in them, otherwise hiking is not an activity I care to partake in. Most parks have many hikes, the Grand Canyon only has one.....all the way down and all the way back up. The canyon is only one mile deep but the hike to the bottom is over 7 miles and then there is the tricky situation that you have to hike 7 miles back up.
We hiked only a small bit of one of the trails to the bottom but it was beautiful non the less!

Taking a breather on the way up

the mighty Colorado 

 we watched an amazing sunset

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Emily's First National Park

There is no way around it, I LOVE national parks. This trip to Arizona was chosen after Emily told me that one of her classmates went to the Grand Canyon and how beautiful she thought her friends photos were (and of course 3 free tickets and some hotel points didn't hurt either). I have been to 16 (of 58) national parks and I was thrilled to take Emily to her first. Both Rick and I had been to the Grand Canyon but not for at least 15 years for each of us. 
The trip did not dissapoint. Emily loved it all and we loved exploring with her. We spent some time filling out a Junior Ranger booklet so that Emily cold earn a badge. There were great activities in the book and it was fun to complete. We also bought Emily a sketch pad and pencils so she could sketch pictures of the Grand Canyon, she was in heaven!

 an artist at work!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Best Friends

Lending support to Evie during her T-ball game

Saturday, June 16, 2012

First and Last.... of kindergarten!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Movin' Right Along

The children did a little dance at the end of the show.....

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Gymnastics Show

On Sunday Emily and Evie had a little gmnastics show at the Y. It was short and sweet, which was perfect. The girls had a good time and Emily loved the medal she recieved at the end of the show!

Monday, June 11, 2012


Sudden Pitch is open for the summer! We took Evie there on Saturday morning and the girls actually braved the cold water.