Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Baby Cam's Party

As usual we spent the Saturday night before Halloween trick or treating in the Hawkins neighboorhood. It was every bit as fun as the last 4 years have been! 

 2011 - in the snowstorm!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Halloween Part 1

Emily LOVES halloween! Possibly more than Christmas....yes really! On Saturday afternoon we went to a little halloween party at a local church with some of our pals. As you can tell, Emily is some sort of fairy. The bottom line is she just wants to wear something fancy...so you can see a flower girls dress, a communion veil, sparkly shoes, and some wings and voila! a fancy fairy!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

A 26.2 Shocker

On October 21 I ran the Atlantic City Marathon, which was my third marathon. Three other running pals also ran the race as well as two other good friends from Manchester so we had quite a crew. The race was 99% flat, which is why I signed up for it, and it was also close to my friend Kerri's brother's house in Ocean City, and we all stayed there.
Race day was beautiful, not a cloud in the sky.
My previous best marathon time was 4:10 so my goal for this one was 4:05 or best case 4:00.
I had what a runner would call an amazing run, all things came together, I found a comfortable pace and was able to maintain it for all 26.4 (yes a marathon is never just 26.2 unless you can take every corner in  the shortest way possible) miles and I finished in 3:53:07.
I have never been so proud of myself, and so surprised at the same time. And that includes any tennis match I have ever won. It is a different feeling....amazing really...and quite surprising!
And yes, this time qualifies me for Boston....2014.....if I can get in....ick! I have never run a hilly marathon...

 The view from Kerri's brothers house...on the bay, and amazing
 on the boardwalk in Ocean City
 cute pink glasses purchased at the expo
 Mary, Kerri, Beth, and me..at the expo
 race day sunrise
 minutes before in our throw away shirts
 finished and happy!
THRILLED when crossing the finish line

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Morning Fun

These two things could be happening at any time of the day. Emily loves to play with money and sketch anything. In the lower photos she is sketching a beautiful sunrise!

Monday, October 22, 2012


In these photos we have...
son, daughter, sister, brother, father, grandfather,granddaughter, aunt, niece!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

First Grade Field Trip

Yesterday Emily had her first field trip with Webster School. We went to Applecrest Orchard for all of the typical orchard activities. There are 27 children in Emily's class, which by any standard is too many. I was amazed at her teacher, who has it all under control. She is an amazing teacher and I couldn't be happier.... but 27 kids is too many kids, no matter who you are.
Anyway, great day and good to put faces to the names that Emily talks about.

 all 27 kids!

 Emily said her favorite part was picking the apples, which is funny because she won't eat them

Saturday, October 13, 2012

A Big Day

Emily likes to have "a big day." Today was definitely a BIG day. We started the day at 8am with a very cold soccer game. This was followed by a morning at the Currier Museum, lunch at Panera, and the Pumpkin Fest in Goffstown.

 Entrance to the museum was free this morning and they had a printmaking art project the entire family could do.

 The only Monet at the museum
 these pumpkins weighed over 1,000 pounds
duct tape pumpkins? who would have thought...don't think we are not going to use that idea for Emily's halloween party!