Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Call Me Maybe....

Our favorite girls...dancing to our favorite song....

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Christmas at Santa's Village

We had a fun, and VERY crowded, day at Santa's Village yesterday.
Let the Christmas season begin!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Turkey Trot

The Leonard Family had their Annual Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning. This is the first year that Emily ran, and boy did she ever! She ran the entire first mile and then walked/ran the last 2 miles. She is slightly gangly when she runs....kind of like Phoebe from Friends!

This year the Leonard's had shirts made and donated the profits to Dana Farber! I think we raised over $500!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Scenes From First Grade

 So Happy
Tasting (and not liking) Stone Soup that they made

Friday, November 16, 2012

Emily's Pals

Fun at the Veteran's Day Parade with our favorite girls (and Dads)!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

One Minute Challenge

In school Emily loves the One Minute Challenge.  Each child writes the same word for one minute (on a mini white board.) The child who writes the word the most is the "Word King or Queen."  Emily is quite good at it and is "The Word Queen" at least once or twice a week. She does love to do it at home as well!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Back to The Currier

We went to The Currier Museum yesterday morning for the family art activity. The theme was clay, and they supplied Model Magic, paper, and markers for the families to create things with. Emily made a panda. Not photoed are a caterpillar and rainbow made by Emily's parents.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Soccer is over...

Two weeks ago Emily had her last soccer game. As I have said before, she hustles but has a hard time getting herself into the action. She seems to like it, says she likes it, we will have to wait until next year to see if she wants to play again.

she likes soccer....

...but she loves to be fancy!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A First!

Emily has done a lot of things.... she has been on an airplane no less than 15 times, her passport has many stamps in it, she has skied no less than 20 days per year for the last 3 years, she plays several sports, been to countless plays, but one thing she has never done was go to the library. Shocking really. We read a lot, and have a lot of books but the library has never been on my radar. Now that she is reading (learning) she is interested in new books and particularly The Junie B. Jones series. A few weeks ago we went to the library, she got her own card and she took out 5 books. Emily chose 3 Junie B books and 2 books about Monet, the painter.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Odds and Ends

Avery came for the trick or treat portion of Emily's party. She is a dog, not a cow, and cute, cute, cute!
For trick or treat night the girls had their face painted by a local woman and she did an amazing job!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

A Halloween Party!

At least 6 weeks ago Emily decided it would be a good idea to have a halloween party for all of her gal pals. We have been planing it ever since and it went off without a hitch! The girls had a great time! We decorated (and ate) cupcakes, had broom races, played toss the ball in the pumpkin, decorated pumpkins with duct tape, as well as 3 other art projects! The highlight was probably our special trick or treat. We asked 7 of our neighbors if we could come trick or treating and they all agreed! 
One of the girls told her mother.... BEST. PARTY. EVER.