Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Social Butterfly

We had Avery overnight last weekend and it was nothing but fun the entire time! She is quite a social little girl, and funny, not to mention cute! She came to the lobster bake at Sudden Pitch where she learned all of Emily's friends names, played with the big kids all night, and stayed up until 9 (bad babysitters!) She was the life of the party.

 Emma also slept over and Avery just wanted to play with them all the time, which they loved!
 Avery took quite a liking to James, Emma's brother.
 "helping" Emily with the Rainbow Loom

 Kendall bought them matching coverups for their birthdays 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Rainy Day at the Museum

Emily and I took a quick trip to Boston on Friday to go to the MFA. Having a season pass is great because we can go whenever and stay for an hour or 4. We went to the Impressionist room first for some sketching and then went to inspect the coins. It is interesting to see which paintings are new since our last visit and Emily was happy to see Renoir's Dancing Couple is back after a long absence.


inspecting the coins with a magnifying glass

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Painting With Pals

Today we went to a new paining place in Bedford, called The Canvas Roadshow, for a mother/daughter painting afternoon. As you can imagine, Emily was in her glory. Her painting was a tree with a sunset background. I stuck to the sample done by the teacher with a regular background. Good fun I tell you!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Backhand... not quite as good as her forehand but we are working on it.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Avery is 2!

On July 11 Avery turned 2!!! Kendall and Ricky had a party on the 13th, which was Ricky's 30th birthday. July is a busy birthday month....

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


 the 6 girls, playing outside all night, unplugged!
 reading before bed

 out shopping
 paddleball, of course!
the water was so warm and the waves were great!

Monday, July 15, 2013


Last Thursday was the only day we had no sun which actually worked out because we were going to Newport that day anyway. We went to 2 mansions, walked the cliff walk, ate, and shopped. We went to The Breakers which is the biggest house, and had a kids audio tour. Emily loved it so much we also went to The Elms. Those "summer homes" are amazing!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

A Little Walk

Our house was at the end of a very long beach. There was a beautiful cliff area we went walking on on Monday. There were signs that said, Do NOT go on the rocks.....Emily, being the rule follower that she is, had a hard time going on the big rocks even though we told her it was OK.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Vacation - Part 1

We spent a week in Narragansett RI with the Harris family. The weather was picture perfect for the first 3 days and a mixed bag for the last 3 days. Each Harris girl brought a friend so we brought one too! Emma! It is shocking to me that a 7 year old will leave their parents overnight, Emily will say she is "not ready" for that, but Emma was amazing. She barely wanted to call her parents! One day the "big girls" gave the "little girls" a surfing lesson. It was cute, until they crashed!

 learning to paddle

 Emma crashing

Emily before her crash

Sunday, July 7, 2013

So Happy

Emily opened a few of her presents from us the night before her birthday. I am not sure what she liked more, the cursive book or "the mother "of all Legos sets! Well, actually the Legos but the cursive book was a close second!