Monday, March 31, 2014

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Riding the Rails

Emily's confidence on skis grows with each visit to the mountain. She now loves going on the small rails in the mini park, and does so with lots of confidence! Her skiing is solid and fast, and she loves skiing more than the beach...... Love that girl!

Emily and Cam are graduates of the racer chaser vest that Avery now wears.....we were happy to have Cam ski with us at Pats Peak last weekend!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

More Charlotte

We went to visit Charlotte, and her family, last Saturday. So far, knock on wood, she is a very good baby. The same thing can not be said for Avery in her first 3 months so Ricky and Kendall are enjoying this as long as it lasts.

Avery would not let go of Popi's hand for  "the trick"

Sunday, March 16, 2014

School Fun

Here are a few photos of outfits Emily wore to school to celebrate 100 days of school and Read Across America Week. 

 100 photos of Emily and her 100 button shirt
 The kids were supposed to dress like their favorite literary charachter. She picked Olaf from Frozen. I tried to tell her that is a movie and she said "no, it is a book too. Remember we gave it to Leah for her birthday?' Can't argue with that logic

 Wacky Wednesday

Thursday, March 13, 2014

A Grammy Ski Day

We were so lucky to have Grammy come skiing with is last weekend. We had a good day and Emily is happy to report that she is faster than Grammy!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Charlotte Emily Leclerc

On March 7, 2014 Ricky and Kendall had their second girl! She arrived 5 days early, and on Kendall's fathers birthday! She weighed 7 punds 4 ounces and she is BEAUTIFUL!
Emily is beyond excited, and Avery is not at all excited.

 this is as close as I could get Avery to Emily and Charlotte....
 Emily took at least 20 photos of Charlotte
 so cute

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Fun Off the Slopes

We do have a lot of fun at The Mount Washington Hotel other than skiing. Here are a few examples...

 Leah ( who goes to Catholic School) teaching Emily about the Bible.....didn't last long
 dressed for dinner
 the girls entertained themselves at lunch by playing with lockers and an ATM machine...
 There was a rock wall in the lodge at Bretton they are bouldering before getting on the big favorite part of this photo is Emily's scrawny legs...
 climbing the big wall

The girls spend time in the indoor pool every day but this is the first year they ever went in the outdoor pool....Emily did not care for this as the walk to and from was very chilly

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Fun on the Slopes

We skied three days at Bretton Woods last week. It was quite cold but the skiing was very, very good. The girls were troopers and they are skiing very fast and with a lot of confidence. There is a candy shop  at the top of a mid mountain lift and it was a huge hit!!!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Ice Castle

On the drive to The Mount Washington Hotel we stopped at Loon to visit the ice castle. It was worth the trip since we were driving by anyway. It was very cool, and fairly large. There was an Olaph in the ice castle, which was a highlight for the girls!