Sunday, March 29, 2015

Closing Day

Today was the last day to ski at Pats Peak. It is amazing to see that they will close with 100% of the trails covered. It has been such a great winter! Today was day 28 and we may have a few days left at other mountains we couldn't resist a few hours at Pats today before LAX practice.

Saturday, March 21, 2015


Emily joined Manchester PAL Lacrosse and today was her first practice. I was happy, and surprised, that she showed interest in this sport. Of course she was very interested when she got the pink stick, bag, and bubblegum flavored mouthguard. The coach was incredibly nice and encouraging. She has her work cut out for her because some of the girls in U9 are little and can't even remember to bring the stick with them....
Below, Coach Heather is tying to teach Emily some defense. Emily doesn't really want to push anyone so this is a monumental task. 
all in all...a great experience!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Fun to be 1 !!

It is hard to believe that Charlotte Emily turned one on March 7th. How time flies!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

3 Generations

Emily and I took Grammy to Pats Peak today. Grammy spent a lot of time trying to catch Emily, which is hard to do! 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


We were lucky enough to be able to spend the weekend at Chateau Paradise on the trails of Attitash! I have been spending weekends there since before Maria or I were married so to still be going, and now with our kids is amazing. Cam and Emily had a great time together and it was fun to be together again for a weekend in the mountains!
If you are lucky enough to have a house on the mountain, you are lucky enough!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Team Emily

Last weekend we had Charlotte overnight. Ricky and Kendall took Avery to see Frozen on Ice so we were lucky to have Charlotte! Emily loved it. We loved it. I hope Charlotte did too!