Sunday, July 31, 2016

The Hike

Last week my tennis friends and I went to Beth's lake house on Lake Winnipesaukee for an overnight. Emily was also invited to go along too. She could not have been more excited to spend the time with these ladies. 
As you know, I am not a fan of hiking but this was sold to me as an easy 3-4 miles RT hike. Well, the first part was lovely. Lots of waterfalls, photo opts, just lovely. Then it started to go UP....... UUGGG . Emily loved the entire thing. Never complained once and our total mileage was 5.5 miles.
 Emily loves Kim. She always makes everything more fun

waterfall selfie
 I hate to admit it but the view was amazing from the top

Friday, July 29, 2016

Leclerc Girls

We had Charlotte and Avery overnight last weekend. They are so full of life and really fun to have around!

 Emily and Avery definitely look alike
 By my claclulations, Rick has been doing this for over 30 years
 Popi and his girls

 Everyone loves Lucy!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Lake Sunapee Fun

 The boat is the same one we had our rehearsal dinner on!
best girl ever

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Vacation Leftovers

 Emily and Avery
 loving every minute with Kelsey

 Rick and Emily hit an all time high of 211 in a row

Kelsey has been taking Emily crabbing for years! It is Emily's favorite thing to do at the beach, well just because it is Kelsey...anyway this is the biggest crab they have ever found...Rick was tormenting Kelsey with it

Sunday, July 17, 2016


Everyone came to visit on July 4th to celebrate Emily's birthday! We had a great day on the beach, the weather was perfect! 

 Emily and Doug spent a long time on the paddle board. 

Thursday, July 14, 2016


Emily will do almost anything for Kelsey. When Kelsey asked "Do you want to go jump off a bridge?" Of course Emily said yes! I actually never thought she would jump. I wasn't there to witness it, but thank heavens for iPhone photography! 
I couldn't believe Emily jumped, not once but 3 times!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Let's Go Fly a Kite

When I was a kid we would go the the beach every summer for two weeks. One of the best memories was going the The Kite Store on LBI, buying a kite and having it for the rest of the vacation. The girls had a great time flying these kites one morning on the beach. They ran the entire length of the beach with the kites flying behind them.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Birthday Girl

We just spent a week in Rye celebrating Emily's 10th birthday. Evie came with us for the first 3 nights and it was so fun to have her with us! These photos were taken on July 2nd, hard to believe she is 10! We spent the day opening presents, on the beach, and of course eating cake! Every present, except one, was Harry Potter related and if you have a keen eye, you will see a horcrux hanging from her neck.
They said the years fly by when you have a child and they weren't kidding.