Monday, September 29, 2008

Fun with Sophie and Gabby

Emily LOVES Sophie and Gabby. She asks about them every day, as well as their brothers and parents, and she is beyond excited when they come over to play! Today the girls came over and they played Hop Scotch, basketball with tennis balls, and they ran around a race track Gabby made with chalk.

As we all know, basketball will not be Emily's sport!

A mean game of Hop Scotch!

Get tired girls!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Emily and Paul

We went to visit my parents and Emily has a great time playing with her "Gammy" and Paul! Emily is definitely on to me and is not so happy to pose for photos whenever I want her to, which is a lot, I have to say.

Ready for School!

"Here I am in my new dress, new tights and new big girl shoes! Now I wish my Mommy would take me to school so I could show off my outfit and maybe learn something too."

Sunday, September 21, 2008

First Chairlift Ride!

Today Rick's company had a family outing day at Gunstock Ski area. It was a great event, with tons to do for the kids! The highlight, at least for Mom and Dad, was Emily's first chairlift ride. She did not show any fear getting on the lift but she did want to sit by her "self". We told her she would ride a chairlift again very soon and all the green would be white!

It is much more fun to ski down!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


I never tried to "teach" Emily the letters of the alphabet. She has an alphabet puzzle that she loves. I would tell her the letters as she was finding the spot the letters belonged. As we did this, at her request......over and over, I realized she was remembering them. I would say she knows at least 20 letters. Sometimes we get confused with Z, N and G but who needs those letters anyway?

Me and My Brother

I am watching TV with my brother Ricky! He wanted to watch golf, and I wanted to watch Sesame Street. We had a talk and then we watched Sesame Street! He is a good brother!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Fun with Daddy!

Just another fun night with Emily and Daddy. They play a lot of these type of running and jumping games! Emily is always laughing hysterically!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Emily meets Baby Cam!

Emily met Cameron Hawkins ( Maria and Jim's Son) on Wednesday! She held him and made sure the binky stayed in his mouth. Whenever it fell out, which was a lot, she was VERY quick to put it back in his mouth. She has not stopped talking about our visit for two days and wants to know if she is going "back" to see Baby Cam! She looks like the proud Mommy!
" I would really like to put this binky in my mouth but I think I would get in too much trouble"

Monday, September 1, 2008


Today we went "Iaking" for the first time. Emily thought it was great....until it got very windy and choppy. Overall it was a successful first outing!