Saturday, November 29, 2008

Ring Around the Rosie

I am playing with Emily and Elizabeth from Connecticut. They came to see their Auntie Kathy and I went over to play too. Their mommy, Maureen, is the one who taught my Mommy to make the Blog.....maybe that is why she is always taking photos of me?!?!?

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Fun With Ricky!

Ricky remembers when he use to do this with MY Daddy. He could not believe I could do it now too! There is a lot I can do!


I LOVE to "play blocks"

Friday, November 21, 2008


Clearly she has my rhythm.....poor girl

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

This is how it all starts!

Tonight Rick and Emily spent 30 minutes "playing tennis". Rick would roll the ball to Emily and she would hit it back to him. She loved it!
notice.....head down, eye on the ball....
She first started with a one handed forehand....then went to a two handed!

No follow thru...we will work on that!

Breakdown is a football is the same as Split step...

Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Day with the Twinkies

Today Emily and I spent the day with the Twinkies, Evan and Kendall, while their Mommy went to work. We had a great day, except when Emily realized she had to share my attention. They are sweet children and very easy to spend the day with. We had a great time!

Evan is quite capable of drinking himself but he decided to humor Emily and let her feed him.
Baby Cam better look out as Emily's favorite boy!
Evan and Kendall will be 2 later this month! It is hard to believe! Where has the time gone?

Friday, November 7, 2008

Thing 3!

Rick and I call Ricky and Doug Thing 1 and Thing 2 and when Emily was born she became Thing 3 (even though there is no thing 3 in The Cat in the Hat). When I saw this shirt in the Orlando airport I could not resist!
Playing Ring Around the Rosie with Daddy
Jumping....note, the tongue is still out

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Just hanging out!

"Just hanging out, eating a pretzel, and wishing my Mommy would stop taking pictures of me"

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Last week Rick had a conference in Orlando so we all went! We went to Disney World is quite a place, it is no National Park but then again........anyway, we had a great time. Emily is conquering her fears of life size characters, she loved the pool at the hotel and she talked non-stop about Minnie Mouse, so when we met her.....oooooooohhhhh.
I don't have to get in the pool with her, she is an independent swimmer with her bubble!
This area was Winnie the Pooh's area for children under 5. The water would spit up every few seconds and Emily LOVED this area, and spent over an hour here!

She kissed Pooh and Tigger

The horses of course

Aaaaaahhhh the Mice, at last!

A fun video!