Tuesday, December 30, 2008

"My Boys"

Ricky, Emily and Doug on Christmas Eve

Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Future Superstar?

Last night Ricky, Kendall, Kathy and Peter were over and so Emily was in Performance mode! She played her piano while singing the ABC'S, over and over. She loved the audience and if we did not clap exactly when she finished singing she would say "clap!" The entire thing was so cute!

Singing and playing the piano at the same time!

Multi talented!

Saturday, December 27, 2008


We had a wonderful Christmas Eve and day! Emily said "OH by god" as she opened each present and of course she got a baby, which is the only thing she asked for.
The easel was a big hit!

Getting ready to go to Uncle Dave and Aunt Karin's house

I caught her with this binkey in her mouth a few times!

This was her #1 favorite present...the camera..I wonder why?

A sweet new hat from Ricky!

A Christmas kiss for Baby Cam

More Play dough toys!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A Cute Story

Yesterday Emily and I were getting ready to go out in the car. She found some gum in the kitchen and asked for some (she has done this before). I told her no but when she was bigger she could have some gum. Fifteen minutes laster we were driving in the car and she said "Mommy, I got bigger. Have gum now?"

Monday, December 22, 2008

A Typical Night....

I wish I had photos of Emily in the snow but the one time I got her all dressed and went outside she started to cry before I stepped out the door. So anyway these are thing she does on a daily basis....

Talks to Grammy on the phone

wears some kind of hat...

plays with the only dog she will ever have

Takes care of babies...here she is changing the snowman's diaper

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Sesame Street Live!

Today we went to see Big Bird, Elmo, Zoe, etc. Emily loved it and I have to say it was a good show. Emily even walked up to Zoe and waved to her!


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The power is back!

After not having power for 5 days we are now back in business! Tonight we put up the tree. Emily enjoyed putting up the same ornament again and again. As soon as she put it on the tree she would take it off and do it again!

All wrapped up!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

In Honor of My Dad

We had a very nice "Family Gathering" in honor of my Father. I told Emily we were going to a party. So in her mind that means we should sing Happy Birthday. She was relentless in asking to do this so we gave in and sang! She blew out the candles!

This trick never gets old

She loved her new dress and shoes!