Saturday, October 31, 2009


Emily loves to read stories, out loud, to anyone who will listen. If you listen closely enough, and are familiar with other children's stories, you will hear lines from other books. As you hear in the video below...."back to the house" is used over and over again. This line is an Emily original.

Ricky, Kendall, and Emily

Thursday, October 29, 2009


After seeing a photo of Emily taken in August,when her hair had been recently cut, I realized we could not wait 3 more weeks to get our next cut! Thankfully Julie had time for Emily and just in time for picture day at school!




Tuesday, October 27, 2009


A butterfly always has to practice flying

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Trick or Treat

In the city of Manchester we always Trick or Treat the Sunday before the 31st. That day was today! Emily was a butterfly and I have to say she loved every minute of it. I was shocked she would go up to the houses by herself and ring the doorbell if necessary. She was aware if the house had a light on, or not, and if so she wanted to go to the house! We did bring the wagon, but she walked most of the 2 hours we were out, and carried the candy bucket the entire time!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Shabbat Workshop

As most of you know, Emily goes to a Jewish preschool. Every Friday the children celebrate Shabbat by having a service and making and eating Challah bread. Today all of the parents were invited to come to the school and we did 4 projects with our children, all dealing with Shabbat. They painted wine glasses, made Challah bread covers and place mats , and candle holders. I found out that Emily is always the last to finish her projects, she spends a lot of time on them and really enjoys them.
Shabbat is the seventh day in the Jewish week and a day of rest.

Emily was the last to finish her Challah Bread cover

The teachers were surprised to see Emily finish her wine glass so quickly but when they realized there was a new baby in the room that Emily could not wait to get her hands all made sense .

Enjoying the playground!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Got it!

Emily watched another boy do this and really wanted to do it. I did not think she would even try, never mind actually do was kind of tricky because she has to get around a bar to grab the first hook....she did....and the rest is history...


almost there!

got it!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Lily's Day at the Park

Today we took advantage of the beautiful weather and took Emily's baby to the park. Emily showed her the ropes and took very good care of her.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

E !

I have been waiting for Emily to start making her first E. As a teacher, I knew what it would look like, and Emily did not disappoint. I enjoy them so much, I don't have the heart to tell her there are way to many horizontal lines on her letter E. This is the way most children start with this letter....they draw a vertical line and then fill it up with as many horizontal lines that will fit. She has been doing this for a month or so....
Also, you will see another person, complete with a ponytail, dancing dress and ears!

A person, an E, and my name below the E

Thursday, October 15, 2009


As much as Emily loves playing dress up, dancing, and with her princesses...her all time favorite thing to do is play with her babies. She is a very good Mommy to them. She feeds them, takes them for walks, changes their diapers, and tells them "it will be OK" when they are sad or scared.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dancing With Emily

Emily loves to watch Dancing with the Stars! Perhaps that was the inspiration for the dancing I was lucky enough to capture last night! To the naked eye it does not look like she is wearing a dancing dress and dancing shoes, but apparently she was....enjoy!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Look How We have Grown!

Emily and Baby Cam, together again!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A School Update

Emily has had a hard time adjusting to school. For the first couple weeks she cried at drop off and intermittently throughout the day. About 2 weeks ago she stopped crying during the day, just at drop off. Last Friday, no crying at all. Today, crying at drop off......uugggggg!
I was/am surprised at this whole crying thing, but if does appear to be getting better. I could not resist taking her photo in this sweet outfit this morning. Before I know it she will want to be shopping at Abercrombie

Sunday, October 4, 2009

All Clean!

getting ready for the day....note the dress, a hand-me-down from another "friend"

Friday, October 2, 2009