Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Little Snow

Maggie and her family stayed with us for the weekend because they had no power! We had a great time with them! We actually got a few inches of snow on Friday night, perfect for making a snowman!

Saturday, February 27, 2010


We had a severe wind storm on Thursday night and lost power. In the ice storm of 2008 we lost power for 5 days so I was not optimistic we would get it back any time soon. We made the best of it and met Emily's classmates, Evie and Maggie, at Kaleidoscope on Friday morning. We had a wonderful time with our friends and the best part of the day was we got power back at 12:30pm! There is so much damage from falling trees it is unbelievable. In our neighborhood alone there are several trees on top of, or thru, houses.

The first thing Evie and Emily did we put on princess dresses and dance around on the stage!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Fun at Pats Peak

Emily loves this slide!

Snowball, Emily, and Boris

Sunday, February 21, 2010


I wonder where the Olympics will be in 2026?

I hope you all can see this video, I know some people can not see them....and I can't figure out what to do about it.

Friday, February 19, 2010


Emily just completed another session of swimming at the Y. She still loves it, as long as she has the same teacher. They tried to put her with a different teacher, in a more advanced class, but she would have none of it! In the video below she is swimming across the pool. One would think it would be easier if she would just put her face in and swim, but what do I know? She will submerge herself in water any time...what is the difference? I guess that is what being 3 is all about.....nothing has to make sense!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I taught a few youth classes at the Y this session. One of them was a Pee Wee class for children ages 4-6. Emily was in the class too! She loved it and looked forward to it each week.On the last day of the session we used balloons (as I did for 10 years at the Y) to play with. It is a great tool because the kids can actually hit them back and forth to really "play tennis". Emily particularly loved this class and has been playing in the house ever since with her racket, balloon, and one of her parents!

Good to see the tongue is still there

hitting the balloon over the alley with her partner

really playing!

a few drop - hits at the end of class

Monday, February 15, 2010


We had another great weekend at Attitash at Chateau Paradise! Emily skied and can make a wedge and turn.....on a little this was a big moment! Emily also got to spend some quality time with Ranger (the Paradise's dog). Although this does not thrill her she did make some progress, albeit small, over the weekend. Grammy Jean tried to help Emily over her fear of dogs by getting lots of kisses from Ranger!

Silly Grammy Jean!
Emily thinks Ranger and Grammy Jean are hysterical.....from a distance

Look at that wedge!

This is close enough, in a controlled setting, and Ranger is tired!

Just click the play button and it should play!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Shabbat Child

Today Emily was Shabbat Child so I went to he class for Shabbat and snack. It is am amazing to see how far Emily has come in school this year. She is very comfortable there now and loves to go each day. What a difference from the first 8 (long) weeks of the school year. Today her classroom job was to wash the tables, which she did after snack. The class also sang a song...Tony Chestnut.... = Toe, knee, chest, nut (head) nose, eye, love you....hysterical.

eating the Challah bread

Emily LOVES to have a job at school

If this video is a black screen just try pushing the play button

Thursday, February 11, 2010


I have never lied to Emily about how old I am. Tonight we had dinner with Jen and Jen was asking Emily all kinds of questions about how old she was, etc.
Jen then asked how old I was......
Emily looked right at Jen and said "22"

That's MY girl!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Kind of Funny

Emily and I were playing Pretty, Pretty Princess and I was lucky enough to have all the jewelry. Emily looked at me and said "Princess Mommy"
to which I replied...."Oh no Emily, I am The Queen."
And my sweet daughter looked at me and said in all seriousness.... "I thought you were the step-mother."

true story

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Snow Making

Emily and I had to make our own snow due Mother Nature not providing us with any!

Friday, February 5, 2010

How Did This Happen?

What can I say? Emily loves princesses!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Naughty Kids....

When Emily talks about school she mentions the same (boys) names over and over when she talks about who is naughty.....our conversation this morning went like this

"Emily, are you naughty?"

"No, I am not naughty. I am a girl. The boys are naughty."

Monday, February 1, 2010

While I Was Out....

Emily and her Daddy has some good fun while I was away in LA for the weekend. They made cookies from scratch, went to a basketball game, wore her hair in a "non-mommy approved way", and wore pink socks with a red jacket. Really though, they had a great weekend together and the house was still standing when I returned home!

I have never made cookies from scratch...shocking, I know!