Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Our First Time

This is the first year Emily colored Easter Eggs! I knew it would be a big hit, and it was. Of course she has no interest in eating a hard boiled egg but coloring them is fantastic!

"It doesn't show up."
We had to explain that it will after it is dyed

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Rick's Birthday Song

A few weeks ago Emily and I were "playing" birthday. She sang Happy Birthday to me and then sang it to me in Hebrew. I had no idea she had learned this at school and I was quite impressed! Rick's birthday is on Tuesday but we had to celebrate tonight because he will be in England on the 30th. She sang to him, in two languages!

Friday, March 26, 2010


Today I went to Emily's class to celebrate Passover. When I arrived the teacher was organizing the children for a group photo, almost as if she knew I was coming! It was no surprise to me that Emily was in the back of the class because she is one of the tallest, even though she is also one of the youngest!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Dressing Up With the Big Girls

Emily LOVED having Sophia and Lydia to play and dress up with!
Yes, Sophia is wearing one of my old bridesmaid dresses. Scary

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Mission Accomplished!

Our only goal for this ski season was for Emily to LOVE skiing. Well, if I do say so myself, we did our job well! She loves to go skiing and now she can ski all on her own. It is so amazing to watch, I can hardly believe it is happening! Friday was 65 degrees so Emily played hooky from school and we went to Pats Peak with her friend Maggie and her mom Jen! The day was so fantastic we went on Saturday and we even brought Rick with us! Again it was another warm day and we skied without jackets both days!

Emily and Maggie

I did not teach her the arm movements in the video....

Friday, March 19, 2010

An Experiment

Emily and I used water and food coloring to see what happens when you mix colors together!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Irish Step Dancing

This morning we were watching Irish Step Dancing on the Today's Show. Emily tried some herself. She looks more athletic than graceful......thank heavens!

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Kind of Funny....If You are Mommy

Rick was putting Emily to bed and their conversation went like this...

Rick - "Emily, I love you"

Emily - "I love Mommy"

I thought it was funny!

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Emily learned about the letter Q at school this week. Her teacher gave the children an assignment to be done at home so the the family could work on it together. Emily had to decorate one square to be part of a class quilt. Emily loves projects and we have plenty of craft items, so this was really fun for us.

She drew her family, holding hands and the purple thing below the people is her house with her bed inside.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Look Mom, No Harness

Emily and I skied at Pats Peak yesterday. It was 50 degrees, sunny, and the best part was Emily skied top to bottom without a harness! She is a little nervous without it, really the problem is just trying something new, but she is very capable. When she is on the harness there is so much slack in the rope I am not even helping her. We also met a friend, Colby, and skied several runs with him. He is also 3 and a great skier.

They are actually moving in this photo even though it does not look like it!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I feel like this weekend was like one of old. We skied 2 days in a row! We went to Pats Peak and Sunapee and Emily joined us both days. We also has other special guests....Grammy and Jen came to Suanpee with us too! Emily loves skiing (which is a good thing), and loves to ride the chairlift. We still ski with her on the harness and she needs it about 30% of the time and the rest of the time she can control her speed and turn!!!!!!!!!!

Emily and Jen

A lot of slack in the rope!

waiting in line

My favorite view!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Dust Off the Boards!

Doug has not skied in over 10 years. Somehow we got him to come to Pats Peak with us on Saturday. I think he just wanted to see Emily ski! We had a great day and everyone came home in one piece!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Organ

A few weeks ago Emily and I were watching a movie with an organ in it. Our conversation went like this.....

Emily - "Mommy, what is that?"

Mommy - "That is an organ, it is kind of like a big piano."

Emily "Oh"

Mommy - "You find an organ in a church."

Emily - " what is a church?"

Classic! I can't make this stuff up!