Monday, November 29, 2010

I Love My Brothers....BUT.....

First I have to say that Emily LOVES her brothers. However, she really loves Kendall too. It was quite evident when we were bowling on Friday. Before each turn Emily said "Kendall watch me!" EVERY SINGLE TIME! poor Kendall. Ricky really tried to get some attention too, and he had some success but not compared to Kendall!

Holding out his hand to give Emily a high-5 and she walked right by him to get to Kendall

Still waiting....

Finally gets a high -5 but guess who Emily is looking at???.....yup...Kendall

Snuggling with you -know -who!

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Instead of shopping on Black Friday we went bowling! We all had fun and we learned that Emily has inherited the Leclerc/McShane competitive gene! Notice the fist pump in almost every picture!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Mary Poppins

A week ago Emily and I watched the movie Mary Poppins. I happen to love this movie but thought it would be too long and not interesting enough for Emily. Was I wrong! She loves it. We now have to sound track and she spent a good portion of Sunday morning playing Mary Poppins. After all this I broke down and bought tickets to the musical that is coming to Boston in March. I actually saw it in London when I was pregnant with Emily so it will be great to see it with her, and Rick, this time

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Chanukah Workshop

On Friday all of the parents were invited to Emily's school for a Chanukah Workshop. We did several projects, listend to a story, and had Potato latkes for snack.
Paining the menorah
Tracing the Dreidel

Helping a younger friend

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Farmer Emily

Last Saturday we worked outside for several hours in the afternoon. Emily entertained herself the entire time by "working on my barn." She used the hose, the broom, the car ice scraper, and of course a paint brush and clear paint (water). She had the best time and we were only allowed to call her "Farmer Emily!!"

Friday, November 12, 2010

Birthday Fun

Rick and Emily made me a cake (I know what you are all thinking....Emily is learning to cook from her father). was yummy and then Emily sang Happy Birthday in 2 languages!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Fairies

Emily loves to draw and I love to see her pictures mature, and I am especially fond of her people. The other day she wanted to draw some fairies and these pictures were her product. She also wrote the names of the fairies on the paper, another thing she is really into...."how do you spell......" is a question I am asked many times a day! The purple star-like-things are "sparkles from the fairy dust"

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Fun With Daddy

Emily and Rick were very busy while I was away!
Emily loves to go for walks at night. They usually "look" for bugs. Surprisingly, they never find any.

Headlamp and all...ready to go

Monday, November 8, 2010

While I Was Out.......

Rick and Emily made 3 lasagnas!


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Thursday, November 4, 2010


We spent three nights in Florence but did not get to see half of the city! Deb's daughter, Liz, is there for the semester which was the reason for our trip! We did see The David, no photos though, we went to the top of the Duomo, 463 steps, and went to the hilltop town of Fiosole.

On the Ponte Vecchio
The Girl With the Pearl Earring, for my book club friends

The Duomo

From the top of the Duomo

Climbing the stairs......a lot of them

Deb and Liz

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


The Spanish Steps

Trevi Fountain

Piazza Navona

Waiting for the Pope

The Pope

La Pieta by Michelangelo

St. Peter's

This is a parking space

Roman Forum