Monday, January 31, 2011


Emily is dying to have her own ski poles. At the end of each lesson day she would use my poles and ski with them. Too bad it will be another year or two until she gets her own.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tearing Up the Slopes

You all might be sick of seeing skiing videos, and maybe they all look the same, but I never get tired of seeing her ski. I am so proud of my girl. One of her instructors said, at the end of the day..."She is only 4? She does not ski like she is 4."

Music to my ears

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ski School

Emily had 4 wonderful days at ski school in Winter Park, Colorado. I have to admit I had a bit of anxiety about her going, how she wold react with something new, etc. My fears were unfounded as she loved every minute. She learned things that don't seem too important but really are....How to skate on her skis, take the skis on and off by herself, walk up hill, get on and off (a detachable quad) by herself, some cool lingo, and most to eat a hot dog "like a sandwich" in the bun! She never cried, always looked forward to going, and Rick and I were able to ski for 5 hours on some amazing terrain!

The princess in her carriage on the way from the condo to ski school

Skiing with her class

The end of the day
walking up hill

and most important....a happy girl

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Emily really likes gymnastics class....and she LOVES wearing her new leotard.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Emily did not have school on Friday (the 4th day off last week) so I took her to McIntyre Ski area in Manchester. She was not loving it "there are only 2 paths" she kept saying. I had to think of something to make it more exciting for her so I introduced her to POWDER. New England powder is somewhat elusive.... so to have a little powder was great fun and she LOVED IT!
The ski day was saved with making fresh tracks..... heaven!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dancing With Daddy

And the music they are dancing to......The Sound of Music, of course

Sunday, January 16, 2011

First Race

Last Sunday Emily went through her first race course. She did fine until she fell and then she was MAD. She does not like to fall.

Friday, January 14, 2011

See Science Center

On Tuesday I took Emily out of school early and we had some fun with Evan and Kendall (the Twinkies) at the Science Center. What I learned is that my little camera is no where near as good as my big camera in this type of situation.

Hard to believe they are all 4. Where has the time gone?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

First Ski Lesson

Emily has ski lessons every Friday for one hour and last week was her first one. She did very well and the teacher took her up the chairlift right away! There was only one other girl in her class and they are a perfect match! My friend Kerri is actually her teacher and I was pleased to report to Kerri that Emily's big turns were much better when we skied with her on Sunday!

The funny part about McIntyre is.... when standing at the bottom of the hill you can see the top!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Last Christmas Post

The coveted Ariel outfit
Glasses from Ricky (before opening THE HAT)

Practicing swimming and falling right in the middle of the hall

Kendall is such a good sport!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Funny For So Many Reasons

If you know Ricky, you would know that he loves to push my buttons. Several years ago he bought a ski hat with a brim on it and he would wear it sideways, backwards, etc. I hated that hat and he would wear it just to irritate me (all in good fun). Ricky and Kendall gave Emily 3 presents for Christmas and Ricky made her open this one last, he could hardly contain his excitement that now he and Emily have matching ski hats, each with a BRIM!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Hills Are Alive........

Emily and I watched The Sound of Music for the first time (yes, my first time) last week. Emily absolutely loved it and the music. I bought the soundtrack and she has been singing and dancing to it non stop. We don't own the movie...yet. Emily said "She is kind of like Mary Poppins, she takes kids off into adventures."

If she only knew how right she was!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Another Christmas

On New Year's Day we celebrated Christmas with Rick's parents and Ricky and Kendall. Grandma and Grandpa gave Emily an Ariel dress which she wore the entire day. We also watched The Little Mermaid....of course.