Monday, March 28, 2011

Jack and Mike

On March 22, 2011 my nephews were born! John David and Michael Thomas McShane were 7 pounds 5 ounces and 6 pounds 11 ounces respectively. All is well. As you can imagine Emily is beside herself! She loves Evie's brother, Sawyer, and now she has more babies to love! She drew the pictures below, along with the story about what color each boy is wearing.

My favorite quote from her is "I know I have two hands but I don't think I can hold two babies at the same time."

Mike and Jack

Friday, March 25, 2011

Practicing For Soccer

with her new soccer bag

agility drills, set up by Emily

moving the game outdoors

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Skiing With Friends!

Sunday was a beautiful day at Pats Peak! Emily found her friend Jacob, from school, and we skied several runs with him and his Mom. They were so cute together and they both ski very fast!
The highlight of the day was skiing with Cam (formally known as Baby Cam). Emily loved being with him and showing him the ropes!
Emily and Jacob
Cam and Emily


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mary Poppins

Last Thursday we went to the Boston Opera House to see Mary Poppins. It was a great show, and Emily liked it......but it wasn't the same as the movie....which Emily noticed more than once. They changed so many things that even I was wondering ...why?

walking the streets with her MP umbrella
My favorite part of this photo is Emily patting my shoulder

waiting for the show...which I thought started at 7 and it did not start until 7:30!

Friday, March 18, 2011



This was Emily's favorite part....

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How Much Do I Love Emily?

I love her enough to sign her up for dance class. Today was her first class and she loved it. It is a one hour class, half ballet and half tap (pictures to follow).She concentrated so hard to do all the things the teacher was telling them to do. And yes, her BFF Evie, is in the class too.
And , I did survive....even without oxygen.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Story

Ten days ago, while leaving gymnastics class, Emily and the other girls were looking into the dance studio. One of the mothers asked Emily if she did dance class and Emily replied "No, my Mommy does lot like it." OUCH....

That night our conversation went like this...

Me "Emily, do you want to do dance class?"
Emily (in a sad voice) "No Mommy"
Me "Emily, I won't be mad if you say yes, it is OK."
Emily (in a sad voice) "No Mommy"
Me (breathing a sigh of relief) "OK but if you change your mind you can tell me."

You have to remember that Emily does not want to do anything that she thinks I will be mad about....

Last Monday we were walking into the mall and my sweet girl said....
"Mommy..... I think I changed my mind, I think I want to do dance class."

a dagger through my heart......... to be continued...................

Friday, March 11, 2011


California Kathy sent Emily a bigger size of Limey cute.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Party Dress

Emily was beyond thrilled to be invited to Logan's birthday party. It was a bouncy house party and as soon as she was invited she knew what she wanted to wear.....her best "party" dress. Apparently she did not hear the words "bouncy house" all she heard was PARTY...and one would always wear your best dress to a PARTY!

The dress did not slow her down, she loved every minute

She loves when everyone sings Happy Birthday


The only problem with the dress was that it made her hot so after 1.5 hours she put on some pants...... a fun party

Monday, March 7, 2011


Emily has been waiting all season to see Snowball skiing and last Sunday she got her wish

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

100 Day Party

Today was Emily's 100th day of school.They celebrated with a party consisting of yummy snacks and a pizza lunch. Each child was supposed to do a 100 Day Project. Emily counted 100 buttons and Rick sewed them on her shirt (just like he did for Ricky 23 years ago). Her shirt was a big hit at the party and she loved wearing it.

In front of the 100 Day Chart
Emily and her BFF Evie

Asking her friends which button is their favorite

Once we got to school, I stayed to watch her interact with her friends. She hardly gave me a second glance. Here, she and Evie are investigating some shells.