Friday, April 29, 2011

Say Yes To The Dress

In honor of the Royal Wedding I thought I would show you a game that Emily loves to play... Say Yes to the Dress. She loves the show and plays it to a "T". She is excellent at acting the part of a picky bride!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

More Easter Fun

We spent Easter Sunday with Ricky and Kendall in Charlestown. Ricky called the Easter Bunny and had him leave some eggs for Emily around the Bunker Hill Monument. Emily was pleased to get more candy, and some money too!

Ricky, acting surprised, checking out Emily's loot!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Very Early Easter Morning

Emily is always up early (no matter what time she goes to bed) and Easter morning was no exception. She followed a marshmallow bunny path to find a few treats and then had to hunt for her eggs outside.

seeing her Jasmine outfit for the first time...she said "the Easter Bunny is so smart, he looked in my dress up box and saw I didn't have a Jasmine outfit."

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Driveway Tennis Season..... open for business!

hitting in the sweet spot

and of course....the tongue

Friday, April 22, 2011

Hello Kitty

As most of you know Napper is Emily's #1 friend and she (Napper) goes everywhere with us. Kitty is second to Napper, Emily sleeps with the two of them every night and takes both on vacation or overnight trips. On our recent trip to Cancun Emily brought both friends. On our way home we had a 3 hour layover in Newark and then an added 3 hour delay. After 6 hours in the airport we were finally boarding the plane (at 945pm) and it was then realized we did not have Kitty. There was no time to run back to the restaurant to see if she was there. Emily was sad but did pretty well, at least it wasn't Napper!

The next day Rick called the restaurant where we ate dinner and they had Kitty! Rick offered to send a pre-paid UPS label to help get Kitty back. The manager said "that is too much trouble, I will just put it in a box and send it." We were thrilled! We did not tell Emily until Kitty arrived and she was very happy.

If you are in terminal C in Newark with extra time on your hands, go to the New Jersey Diner to spend your money! They were great and they sent us Kitty!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


We spent a few hours roaming around NYC on Saturday prior to seeing Jack and Mike. We went to Times Square, Rockefeller Center, and the American Girl Doll Store. We also went on a fun Ferris wheel which is inside a huge Toys R Us. The biggest hit for Emily was getting to pick out something from The Candy Land section of Toys R Us. She went right for the lollipop. I rarely let her have one so she was as pleased as punch to get one. The Lollipop is in every photo, once she got it, because she savored every lick.

She does love horses...this is B.L. (before lollipop)

On the ferris wheel...also B.L.

The Candy Land section....where the coveted lollipop was purchased

so happy

holding on to the lollipop for dear life

it is in her left hand

if the person who took this photo had focused it first, you would see the lollipop

Sunday, April 17, 2011


On Friday we drove to Scarsdale NY to visit my college friend Diane and her husband Sal (pregnant with twins) and on Saturday we went into NYC to see David, Karin, and my nephews Jack and Mike. Emily was sooooooooo excited to see and hold the babies and she could hardly stand it. She got a lot of time with the babies, especially Jack, as Mike slept a lot of the day.

Paul would have been so happy to see this photo

Mike, Emily, and Jack



I love how they are looking at each other

Emily and Jack

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Pool Fun

this is my favorite, she is mid-air!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Fun on the Beach

Daddy can dig me a hole anywhere!

Monday, April 11, 2011


Emily was so excited to have her hair braided. We waited until the end of our trip, otherwise her scalp is easily burned unless she wore a hat all the time. She was not disappointed with the braids, she was quite pleased with them.

Friday, April 8, 2011


We had a great time in Cancun! Emily spent most of every day in the pool and loving every minute. Last summer she really wanted to learn how to dive but could never keep her head tucked down long enough. Here, while she is closer to the water, she has some success.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Magnet Dolls

One of Emily's favorite things to do is play with her magnet dolls. She loves to dress them up, change their outfits, pretend they are going to the "Ball", and she even reads to them.