Friday, August 31, 2012

The Bus Stop

When I picked Emily up after the first day of school and asked her how it went she replied "I loved it." That was the best thing I have ever heard!
On Day 2 she took the bus to and from school. Our local friends say the bus is the best thing about going to school. Emily has very nice kids at her bus stop and she thought the bus was great!!!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

First Grader

Today was Emily's first day at Webster School. She was nervous and excited...and I was just nervous and sad.

 Emily, Sienna (who is in her class) and Grace who starts kindergarten.
yes, Sienna is older and Grace is 3 months younger. My girl is tall!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Besides Craigsville Beach, across from our house, we also went to two larger beaches. We spent one day on Nauset Beach and one on Coast Guard Beach. The three of us spent the day on Nauset beach and I have to say it was my best beach day ever! The beach was amazing, the waves were out of control, and yes, we even saw a LARGE seal close to shore.
 The seal was eating a know what they say...where there are seals......

 Nauset Beach
 The only proof I was on this vacation 

 Coast Guard Beach 

Emily spent a lot of time collecting shells and organizing them!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Busy on the Beach

Emily spent a lot of time playing paddle ball and doing handstands and cartwheels on the beach. She and Rick had a record 29 paddle ball hits (my record with her was 21) and she and Megan practiced a lot of gymnastics!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Paddle boarding

Some of the most fun (and funniest) moments from vacation happened on the paddle board. The beach across the street from our house had no waves at all so paddle boarding was easy. Easy, that is, until it got a bit windy and then the water was choppy. The kids loved trying to stand up and paddle but they did not last very long before they fell in the water!

when the water was calm it was easy
 Emily and Megan

when the water was choppy....
...everyone got wet!

Friday, August 24, 2012

The Cape

We just returned from a glorious week on Cape Cod. We went with the Harris family and it was good fun! On our first day we went on a bike ride and of course there was ice cream involved too.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Mind the Gap

Emily has not lost a tooth since November and this top front tooth was a doozie. It hung on forever. As you can see in the top photo her tongue is pushing it forward. She lost it the next morning...thank heavens!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Still Our Favorite....

.....after all these years!
Our summer at The Palace has come to an end. She loves it each week!

Saturday, August 18, 2012