Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Dress Rehersal

Recital weekend is upon us! Emily's dance studio does an end of the year recital and this year the show is Cinderella. Instead of each class doing their own dance, all the classes are tied together into one big show. It promises to be much more entertaining, and shall I say "better" than the average recital....we shall see. 
Emily is in two classes, ballet and lyrical. Her lyrical class is a "Dream" - blue costume and her ballet class are Spring Fairies - green costume.
Today was the dress rehearsal and we could take photos, without a flash, during the show. I didn't get great action (did I just say that?) shots but the girls posing are pretty cute!
Two shows on Saturday.....stay tuned!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Senior Prom!

Kelsey looked AMAZING!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Fun at the Currier Museum

Last Saturday we took Emily and Yasmine to the Currier for an activity day! They did a scavenger hunt, a project, had their face painted, and looked at a lot of art. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Scenes From the Dance

Emily had a great night with her Dad and her friends!

Friday, May 10, 2013

An Evening in Paris

As you can imagine Emily was very excited for the Father/Daughter Dance! She could hardly wait to go to dinner with her Dad and friends before the dance, and of course to get dressed up!
I came home from decorating the school gym and found her sound asleep on the couch with 15 minutes before she had to leave. She had been dressed for 90 minutes already....

Monday, May 6, 2013


See you again next year...we hope!

Friday, May 3, 2013


The sunsets on the west coast of Florida are amazing!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Beach Fun

When Rick and Emily were not looking for shark teeth we were busy playing paddleball and making drip castles. Emily and I had the paddleball high of the week....74 in a row!