Sunday, June 30, 2013

Another First

Emily had her first sleepover last week. Yasmine assured me that she would be able to spend the night and she was right! Of course Emily fell asleep on the floor while watching a movie. Life of the party, my girl!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Art With a Splash

Emily celebrated her birthday with her pals last Sunday in an all day event. We rented a van to take the girls to Portsmouth to go to Art With a Splash. Emily has the nicest friends and we had a wonderful day! The girls painted a picture of poppies and it is amazing how "the same" paining with the same instructions, all came out very differently.  We also went to a fancy yogurt place and the girls added all their own toppings! It was a magical day.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sad Days

Friday was Emily's last day of school. She was not happy about this, to say the least. She had an amazing year with an amazing teacher and a very well behaved (although large) class. On Thursday I spent most of the day in the classroom doing a project, having a pizza lunch, an ice cream party, and an all around good time. On Friday I picked her up from school and she was in sad to have the year be over. We took a few of her best pals from her class to Sudden Pitch after school, which helped....a little.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Money, Money, Money

As previously reported Emily loves money! She is always sorting, organizing, talking about, and looking at, her coins. Yesterday after school we spent over 2 hours organizing it by country. Thank heavens for the iPad and google and we were able to find where most coins came from. There were 8 coins I could not figure out so I went to the almighty power of Facebook and posted a picture of the coins. Several friends reposted it on their page and before I woke up this morning we had the answers to 7 of the 8 coins! There is still one I don't know but Emily has coins from 41 countries!

In school the teacher asked the kids what they wanted to be when they grow up. Emily replied "a money collector or maybe just work at the mint." 

This may not look organized to the naked eye, but the coins are in piles by country

 The picture from Facebook. The square ones are from Bangladesh 
 Emily loves making lists so it is no surprise that she was eager to make a list of her coins. Check it out, it is interesting where many of them came from
Jen gave Emily a globe for her birthday so she could see where her money is from! Great idea! We used it a lot yesterday!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Stone Zoo

The first grades from Webster School had a great time at the Stone Zoo a few weeks ago!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


As Emily and Evie get older it gets harder to get them together  as often as we would like. We took Evie to the beach with us last weekend and the girls picked up right where they left off last time! We had a great day and the girls were just happy to be together again!

 The water was cold!
 It was windy and the girls had a hard time controlling their boogie boards

 pretty soon they will be in bikinis talking about boys instead of The Brady Bunch

We love Evie!

Sunday, June 9, 2013


After the recital Avery spent the night with us. In the morning the girls had some snuggle time on the couch. Avery loves her "Emie."

Friday, June 7, 2013

Post Recital

We started the 7th birthday celebrations early this year with our family party after the recital on Saturday. Emily had many friends and family at the recital and it is never too late to celebrate ones birthday! 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Recital Day

No photos can be taken during the recital. Here are a few shots from before and after. The day was a huge success. Both shows (yes there were two) went off without too many girls loosing shoes, or crying in the finale. Emily was asked to give the flowers to Cinderella before her spring fairly dance, so that was a BIG deal!!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Lights! Camera! Action!

These two videos are from the dress rehersal. have you seen a baby giraffe dance?...she is all limbs!