Friday, November 29, 2013

The Best Turkey Trot

Yesterday morning we went to the Leonard's Annual Turkey Trot. Emily and Rick, and friends, ran 3.4 miles. Emily it totally into running and was so excited to run, and see Gabby!

Monday, November 25, 2013


Look who is cozy on the couch!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


The best part of vacation for Emily (besides when Kathy gave her ice cream for breakfast) was flipping around on the trapeze on the Santa Monica Pier. I was quite surprised that she actually flipped over...and over...and over....

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Fun on the Pier

We spent my birthday on the Santa Monica Pier playing games, going on rides and eating cotton candy. Emily loved every second because some of these things we don't usually do (cotton candy, paying for games) but Kathy made sure Limey had the most amazing day and had more stuffed animals than she could carry! The views from the ferris wheel were amazing, as long as I didn't look straight down!

 these bumper cars were really fun!!!

all of her winnings and that bag of cotton candy

Thursday, November 14, 2013

A Malibu Hike

On Saturday we went for a hike in Malibu. For those of you who know me, know my dislike for hiking, but it shows you that I will do anything for Kathy White! It was a fun day, followed by a lunch next to the ocean.

any time spent with Kathy is always spent smiling and laughing!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

California Dreaming....

We spent my birthday weekend in LA with Kathy and had a marvelous time. On Friday Emily and I went to the beach while Rick and Kathy were working. Emily drew pictures of the scenery, I took a little nap, and Emily practiced her cartwheels! We had a wonderful time relaxing together. The weather was perfect, 77 degrees and SUNNY!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Trick or Treat

We had a slightly wet but fun Trick or Treat night in our neighborhood this year. The Blaisdell family has moved very close to us so they joined us as well! Emily loved trick or treating but I think she loved handing out candy even more!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Jack and Mike

On Saturday we went to my brother's "country" house to celebrate Grammy's birthday. We had a most amazing time! The boys are really fun and we had a great day hanging by the fire pit, eating, and of course drinking wine!

 Jack is still obsessed with anything red and fire truck related. I have heard he even has slept in this fire truck jacket

Friday, November 1, 2013

Meet the Characters

One of the most exciting about being in the play was the Meet the Character time at the end of the show. She has always loved meeting any character and now to be THE character was a VERY BIG deal! She had so many friends and family who came watch her in the show, it makes us feel very lucky to have so many people who love our girl.