Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Rick and Emily have been having a great time fishing every Saturday morning. Emily loves it....until the fish gets too close!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Let the birthday season begin. Emily had her first party last Saturday. We did as we did last year, rented a van and went to Art with a Splash in Portsmouth. The girls painted a ladybug, which Emily chose, and I love how they are all different!
Emily has some great friends and we had a really fun day!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Future Third Grader

The first photo is from the  first day of second grade, the next is the last day of second grade. Same skirt, just a little shorter.
To say this year went by fast would be an understatement! It flew by! Emily had a wonderful year with Miss Kuniegel. We are not sure about her who her third grade teacher is, we will have to wait until August.....

 On the last day she wore her Mighty Milers shirt and medal. She ran a total of 35 miles this year...she was very proud of herself
 I could not believe this letter to her first grade teacher...the part about equaling the happiness in her heart.....I am not sure where she came up with this!
 going into school, with her teacher gifts
leaving a third grader...

Sunday, June 8, 2014


Saturday night was our first over night babysitting gig with both of Emily's nieces. They were very good but I am not sure how my friends with 3 or more children do it....it is very busy! 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

We Love Second Grade

There are only 7 days of second grade left and we are not happy about this. Emily has had a wonderful year and she loves Ms. Kuniegel almost as much as Mrs. Duhaime. I am not sure anyone will every surpass her love of Mrs. Duhaime. Here are a few photos from the Memorial Day program and a field trip to the See Science Center.

 The program had to be held inside because of the terrible weather. The program is great. There are many veterans there, including 3 from WWII and one who is 100 years old! Each class sings a song, and the school sings together. It is a wonderful event.

They did an "experiment" making silly putty, as you can tell by Sienna's face, it felt icky!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Wizard of Oz

Emily's dance recital of The Wizard of Oz was yesterday! I have to say, it was actually very good! Her dance studio does an actual show/story for the spring recital, as opposed to just having the kids do individual routines.   It all goes together, it flows, there is a story, etc.
Emily was a Lullaby Munchkin, in pink and a Salon Dresser, in the spicy green outfit. She was also on stage 2 other times in group numbers, which makes the entire thing more tolerable :)
As part of her Salon Dresser dance she was helping to primp Dorothy on her way to meet the Wizard. The day was a huge success and she was very proud, as was I.