Sunday, November 30, 2014

Jack and Mike

On Thanksgiving night we traveled, over the river and thru the woods to get to Mike and Jack's country house in the Berkshires. We had such a good time relaxing, eating, and sledding. Grammy joined in the fun too. Jack and Mike also love Legos so that was a big part of the weekend as well!

 Uncle Dave and his guys

 It is extremely hard to get  Jack to look at the camera...this is the best one of many taken

 Grammy and her best girl
 Grammy and the guys

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Don't Forget About Charlotte

We love that Char Char! She is a very good tempered baby, and very cute too!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

2 Months Exactly

On September 22 Rick got a new hip. On November 22 he skied!
It was opening day at Pats Peak on Saturday and we couldn't resist the earliest opening in years!
We already have 2 days in and it isn't even Thanksgiving yet!

 Besides snow, can you see what is missing in this photo?

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Girls on the Run

Evie participated in a running program at her school called Girls on the Run. This is a national program that runs 10 weeks and is about a lot more than running. I don't know all the specifics but I am excited for Emily to participate in the spring, and I will be one of the coaches. Evie asked us to come run the 5K race with her, which is the season ending race. It was quite chilly today but it was a great race. It was amazing to see over 1,000 girls, parents, and friends run this race. Teaching girls to be strong and confident! it was amazing!

 Evie, Maggie, and Emily...friends since preschool

 it was definitely hard for Emily. We walked/ran but she was very happy to finish!

Friday, November 7, 2014


 When Rick was in college someone made Ricky a UNH sweater with Rick's #14 on the back. Ricky wore it in 1984, Emily in 2007, and Charlotte in 2014. Avery wore it too but I don't have a photo as proof, and if  Doug ever wore it there is no proof of that either. 
All super cute!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Third Grade

Emily's class had their halloween party last Friday. I was able to go in to help and organize the acticties. We did a few crafts, decorated cookies, and had face painting. Emily has the BEST teacher this year. She is the one everyone wants, and children who have had her are jealous that Emily gets to have her this year. 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Team Olaf

Avery and Charlotte came to Emily's halloween party to go trick or treating with the "big" girls. Avery and Emily were so cute together as Olaf!