Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Lego Mall

Emily continues her Christmas tradition and only asks Santa for one thing. She has been doing this every year and I love it. If you think about it, it is brilliant....it assures she will get the one thing she really wants. This year it was the Lego Mall, a brilliant Lego set with about 1200 pieces. She saw the box, and knew what was in it and saved it to open last. She built it in no time and is now added to her Lego city.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas Eve

We hosted Christmas Eve with Ricky and family and 10 of "Doug's Kids." We had a great day. THis is the second year with this group of children and they are very nice kids. They are so respectful, polite, and fun. They each received a few presents from Doug (who now has several sponsors for this event) and they could not have been happier with what they received.

 Avery dancing on the ceiling
 love this photo
 Silvie is one of our favorites

Emily with Charlotte Emily

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Family Ski Day

We had a great morning today at Pats Peak. We skied Hurricane at least 5 times. This is a trail which is usually covered in icy moguls. Today it was amazing, they had just covered it in fresh (man-made) snow and it was great. Emily was so proud of herself! It is a black diamond, but only because of the moguls....and remember, it is all relative. It is Pats Peak we are talking about!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Emily is not a sleepover kid. She has slept at Ricky's, Grammy's, and Sienna's (twice) but that is it. Emma had a sleepover party last weekend. In this photo, Emily looks like she is having a great time (which she did) until it was time to sleep. Then, she missed me and Bob brought her home at 10:15. OH well....she tried!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Breakfast With Santa

It was nice to be back at the Y for this event this year. Last year was the first year we missed since Emily was born. All the usual activities were there, Santa, art projects, snacks, and games. We came home with a lot of Emily-made decorations.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

The Holiday Season

It is beginning to feel a lot like Christmas in our house. Johnny came back last weekend and Emily could not be more delighted. She loves him more than anything! She talks to him all day long. Our tree went up last night and tonight we went to Santa's Workshop. Emily asked for the Lego Mall (continuing with her one gift ask) and I think Santa said he could do that!

 This ornament was given to me by a good tennis pal and it is the first ornament Emily looks for, and puts on the tree

 Santa in his work clothes

Johnny made Emily a snowman to tell her how much he loves her