Thursday, February 26, 2015

Bretton Woods

We just returned from 3 nights at the Mt. Washington Hotel. It is our 4th (and final) year of this vacation with the Munoz family. We really have a great time, it is just time to move the girls to a bigger mountain, out west somewhere! Anyway, the girls were amazing. The weather was COLD but we were dressed well, took breaks, and visited the mid-mountain candy store several times! I will never say Emily is great at anything, but I will say that she is a great skier. Amazing really.
great 3 days...and the planning for next year will begin soon...Steamboat? Park City? Whistler? 

 we had a  lot of fun in the glades!
 girls rule!

Friday, February 20, 2015


Emily really loves gymnastics. She doesn't love it enough to go more than once a week but she loves it when she is there every Thursday afternoon. She is in Level 3 and doing a lot of new skills. 

 getting ready for a back handspring
doing a flip into the pit. Tough to get a good shot from far away and no flash

Friday, February 13, 2015

Personal Day

Last week I let Emily join me (and Jen) on our weekly ski day at Sunapee. Emily has been dying to go with us and she hasn't missed a day of school yet, so I thought...what the heck! She is such a good skier that she keeps up with us, and sometimes I feel like she could pass me at any time. We had a great day together...and have 16 ski days in the books!

 in little moguls
 in the glades

Monday, February 9, 2015


Last night Webster PTO held a tubing night at McIntyre Ski Area in Manchester. Emily has never wanted to go before but had a change of heart this year. I have never tubed before so I was not sure what to expect, but it was REALLY fun. Emily was in heaven! Many of her little pal were there and they all had a great time! She was on such a high all night! The fresh falling snow added a nice touch to the evening too.

 I am not sure how I got the pretty hearts on this photo. I was trying to find the right setting in the dark
 Tia is in this photo...Emily's first (and still) friend
Emily and Sienna
 felt a little "old school" to be in a hat and goggles, without a helmet
me and Calley

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Super Bowl Sunday

We had friends over for the Super Bowl and the kids played on the ice for almost 2 hours!!!
It was a great night!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

1 on 1

Emily and Emma played a little one-on-one hockey on Friday after school. I am not sure if they had more fun doing that or shoveling the rink first. 

 check out Emily's super aggressive pose!