Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Silly Girl

Playing with her new toy!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Rainy Sunday!

Today my friend Caroline came over to play. She is a big girl, like SophieGabby, she is 5! I had a good time playing with her as you can see!

Celebrating Daddy's birthday (early)!

We are cool chicks!

I am sharing my fishing game with Caroline!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Monday, March 23, 2009

Just one more!

For some reason this video would not load before but now it will and I thought it was worth another try. Here she is dancing in the lobby of our hotel in Cancun.

Friday, March 20, 2009

I am speechless!

Below is a glimpse of a night with Emily. She was in rare form last night singing a made up song and a familiar one......I don't know what else to say...the photos and videos will speak for themselves!

Belting out a little song

The big finish!

So pleased with herself!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Emily's "Acation" Diary

Mommy, Daddy and I went to Cancun for an "acation'. Here are a few, of the hundreds, of photos my Mommy took. I had a great time. I especially loved the pool and I swam in it most of the day, every day!
Day 1
I can't like the sand. I am not going on it. I will just bring it to my chair

Day 2
Daddy is building a sand castle. I guess I better try to get to him.
Sand OK!

I realize my glasses are upside down but I am not tired.....

My Daddy is up to his old tricks

I don't wear dresses very often but I like them

Here I am hanging out in the lounge drinking my milk

I loved dancing in front of this mirror

See? Sand OK!

Dancing in the lobby

Here is my friend Christopher from England. I really liked his 2 year old sister Isabella!

My family..... enough with the pictures!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Funny Story

On our way to Attitash this weekend we were talking about Ranger (Donna's dog). Emily was referring to Ranger as "she" ... Rick said "Emily, Ranger is a boy"
To which Emily replied...and I quote
"Daddy, Ranger not a boy, Ranger a dog"


Sunday, March 8, 2009


We went to Chateau Paradise on Attitash for the weekend. It was a very warm weekend and we took this opportunity to take Emily skiing again. We rode the magic carpet and she loved it! We took about 10 runs and the last few Emily skied by herself and squealed in delight!

On the magic carpet

Going fast!

Watching everyone, watch her...and not watching where she is going!

The most fun I ever had!

Together Again....

The biggest draw for Emily is not necessarily the skiing, but the fact that she has unlimited time with baby Cam!

Trying to entertain him!

The Trick!

So cute!

A Sweet kiss!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I love to read to Emily. Right now, Emily loves to read to herself. She will pick one book and flip through it over and over again. If I try to read it to her she gets mad and says "read myself"

Again with the tongue ....

Waving at Dougy!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A few songs!

She never finishes one song, it is a medley of sorts!