Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Emily's "Acation" Diary

Mommy, Daddy and I went to Cancun for an "acation'. Here are a few, of the hundreds, of photos my Mommy took. I had a great time. I especially loved the pool and I swam in it most of the day, every day!
Day 1
I can't like the sand. I am not going on it. I will just bring it to my chair

Day 2
Daddy is building a sand castle. I guess I better try to get to him.
Sand OK!

I realize my glasses are upside down but I am not tired.....

My Daddy is up to his old tricks

I don't wear dresses very often but I like them

Here I am hanging out in the lounge drinking my milk

I loved dancing in front of this mirror

See? Sand OK!

Dancing in the lobby

Here is my friend Christopher from England. I really liked his 2 year old sister Isabella!

My family..... enough with the pictures!

1 comment:

Mini Hawk said...

We are so glad you are back Emily, we missed you!