Tuesday, August 31, 2010

More Surfing

Ocean Sledding was not the only sport Emily did on Sunday at the beach. She also body surfed and used her "surf board"(which is just a small kick board). She loved it all! It was so great to watch her, watch for a wave, and then ride it in.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Ocean Sledding

Today was one of the all time BEST beach days, EVER. The weather was amazing, the waves were huge, and Emily loved every minute. Who, except Emily's Daddy, would think to bring the sled to the ocean? It made for good fun for Emily and a work out for Rick!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Emily likes most rides, with the exceptions of roller coasters, so someone has to go on the rides with her. You will notice if the ride is a slow moving ride that Rick goes with her. If the rides moves quickly, or in circles, I am the co-pilot. I don't mind the tea cups as long as we don't spin them, otherwise I can do most rides. All in a days work at Story Land!

Monday, August 23, 2010


Last year we saw Cinderella at least 8 times, this year I think we saw her 6 times. It is the same Cinderella and she was just as wonderful as she was last year. She remembered Emily and gave her a photo pin of herself on our second visit, which thrilled Emily to no end! Emily wore her Cinderella dress on our first day there, the only kid in the park wearing a princess dress! Fantastic

Getting a ride in the Pumpkin coach to go see Cinderella

Saturday, August 21, 2010

No Title Needed

This is the first of several posts from our annual trip to Story Land. On this trip we discovered "Dance Party". A guy, dressed in a crazy costume, goes around the park and puts on dance shows. He was very good at his job, he got many kids to participate and they all had smiles on their faces! It is the exact same show every time, and I know this because we went 3 times, but Emily loved every minute of it!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Horseback Riding Day 2

Our day on Tuesday went so well that Bonnie and Jen invited us back on Wednesday to take Pony out for another spin! This time we went for a trail ride and Emily was not nervous at all. She spent a lot of the ride holding onto Pony without help from Bonnie. She also remembered what to say and do to make pony walk!
It would not be a good post without a photo with the tongue hanging out!

Riding on the trail

No help!

I can't get over the long, skinny legs

Checking out Pony from every angle

It was a wonderful experience! Thank you Jen and Bonnie (and Pony) and we will see you all next summer!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Horseback Riding Day 1

We were invited back to YMCA Camp Coniston again this year for our horse ride and dinner with all the campers! Emily remembers her ride on Pony last summer and was eager to go again! Now remember everyone....she is AFRAID of most creatures on 4 legs but for some reason she will ride a horse..... Anyway, she was a bit nervous when she first got on Pony but you could tell she really loved it right from the start, otherwise this would be a very short post! Bonnie, the Horseback Director, was so kind and patient Emily could not help but feel comfortable.
Pony is back this summer and Emily could not have been more pleased

Bonnie is teaching her how to hold the reigns

so happy

riding by herself

With our Jen, the Director of Camp Coniston

Look how brave she is, petting the horse... and loving it

But not interested in petting the face.....

Stay tuned!!!!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Tennis Class

On Friday Emily went to her second tennis class. Her first one was in June and although she participated in the class, I could not get her to go back. Again, the problem with "new" things. Anyway I asked her on Friday if he would like to go to Sudden Pitch for tennis class, and her answer was quick...YES! Of course she loves to go to Sudden Pitch at anytime, but anyway.... She participated in the class and loved it!
pre -class stretching
running through the obstacle course

balancing the ball - notice she is cheating, her hand is on the ball


This is my favorite! Notice.... she has alrady hit the ball but her eyes are still on the contact point! This is hard to do becauuse you always want to look at your ball going across the net

ball pick up time

Friday, August 13, 2010

Sunapee Day!

We had a great day Thursday! We went to the Sunapee Craft Fair, with Jen and her Mom, and then to their lake house. Emily finally jumped off the dock! She did this several times last year but has been hesitant this summer. She does not need the life jacket or the noodle, but OH WELL.... one thing at a time!

Emily and Jen