Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Horseback Riding Day 1

We were invited back to YMCA Camp Coniston again this year for our horse ride and dinner with all the campers! Emily remembers her ride on Pony last summer and was eager to go again! Now remember everyone....she is AFRAID of most creatures on 4 legs but for some reason she will ride a horse..... Anyway, she was a bit nervous when she first got on Pony but you could tell she really loved it right from the start, otherwise this would be a very short post! Bonnie, the Horseback Director, was so kind and patient Emily could not help but feel comfortable.
Pony is back this summer and Emily could not have been more pleased

Bonnie is teaching her how to hold the reigns

so happy

riding by herself

With our Jen, the Director of Camp Coniston

Look how brave she is, petting the horse... and loving it

But not interested in petting the face.....

Stay tuned!!!!!

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