Sunday, September 26, 2010

Charmingfare Farm

On Friday we went to Charmingfare Farm with Maria and Cam. We saw many animals, rode in the wagon, and some of us fed the animals. The only bummer was there were no pony rides during the week. The woman at the counter gave us free tickets to come back another day so Emily could ride the ponies! We went back on Saturday and had a great time again!

Emily was supervising Cam while he fed the baby calf

Emily could not bring herself to feed the goats. She tried, she talked a big game but when it came down to it, it was a no go! Finally she held the bag of food and the goat ate from it.

Emily telling Rick how to feed the reindeer!

So happy. She had 5 pony rides


There were many children's activities on Saturday and some live music playing, perfect for Emily to dance (and I use that term loosely).

1 comment:

LeBlanc Family said...

Emily from CT won't feed the goats either - no matter how much she wants to.