Sunday, October 17, 2010


On 10-10-10 I completed my first marathon. I have to say, it was HARD. At the 17 Mile marker I really started to feel it and said to myself "I AM NEVER DOING THIS AGAIN!" Anyway, as I was saying, it was quite warm, in the 80's which I don't mind, but for many runners it was too hot. At the 13.1 mile marker I was thinking (as Bon Jovi's Livin' on a Prayer was know how it goes...your half way there...) what a much more civilized distance it was.....
As I was coming to the end and I saw the finish line, I could not go any faster, too tired.
I finished in my goal time of 4:15 and came in 11,817 out of 36,159 finishers...not bad for a girl who said she would never run.

And by the watch said 26.65 miles when I finished. Apparently it is 26.2 if you can go on the inside corner at every turn

Shopping at the Expo...which was the best part!

The Nike booth had every runners name on the wall!

Emily was a trooper. Rick, Emily and Peter ran around the race course trying to see us but only saw me at mile 2. She was on Rick's shoulders clapping for all the runners and he said she was excellent all day!

SO HAPPY to be finished!


Mini Hawk said...

Congrats Emily & Rick! We know how hard spectating is!

LeBlanc Family said...

Congratulations Karen - great job and GREAT time!!