Friday, December 24, 2010

Cookies for Santa

I thought it might be nice to make cookies for Santa, from scratch, with Emily. I knew I would not like doing it but I did it anyway....Bah hum bug. Anyway, I ran into a few snags right away... I did not know how to attach the beaters to the mixer and 2/3 of a cup of butter was not a measurement labeled on the stick of butter. Thank heavens Rick came home to help with the mixer and the internet helped with the measurements. We then make the batter, put it in the refrigerator, and 30-40 minutes later it was still sticky. We added a ton more flour and then were able to roll and cut the cookies. Emily actually knew to "wiggle the cookie cutter" before she lifted it from the dough (thank you Nancy).
Emily did a great job decorating and I was just thankful I don't have to do it again until next year!
And yes, this is the first time I have baked from scratch!

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