Tuesday, April 19, 2011


We spent a few hours roaming around NYC on Saturday prior to seeing Jack and Mike. We went to Times Square, Rockefeller Center, and the American Girl Doll Store. We also went on a fun Ferris wheel which is inside a huge Toys R Us. The biggest hit for Emily was getting to pick out something from The Candy Land section of Toys R Us. She went right for the lollipop. I rarely let her have one so she was as pleased as punch to get one. The Lollipop is in every photo, once she got it, because she savored every lick.

She does love horses...this is B.L. (before lollipop)

On the ferris wheel...also B.L.

The Candy Land section....where the coveted lollipop was purchased

so happy

holding on to the lollipop for dear life

it is in her left hand

if the person who took this photo had focused it first, you would see the lollipop

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