Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Helping Daddy

Rick is redoing our deck, with a little help from Emily.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

You're Fired

Emily's last field trip of the year was to You're Fired, a paint your own pottery place, in Bedford. There were many choices of things to paint and Emily chose a treasure box, apparently she thinks she has a lot of treasures to put in it!

Friday, May 27, 2011


Emily loves anything to do with art. She had a grand time making this castle, which came in a kit from AC Moore. I am not a huge fan of these types of activities (to product orientated for me) but as I am leaning...it isn't about me, now is it?

Thursday, May 26, 2011


I have heard there are many blog followers wondering what is happening on October 31. That is the day we are surprising Emily and taking her to Disney World for 4 days! The other part of the surprise is that Evie is going too and we (Evie's Mom and I) are not telling the girls that the other is going until we see each other at the airport at 5:30am!
Should be great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Aunt Emily

On Saturday, Linda (Ricky's mom) and I threw a baby shower for Kendall. It was great and Emily could not wait for the day to arrive. At Kendall's request, Emily sat next to Kendall and helped her open all the gifts! Emily also got to pass out the favors to all the attendees! We can't wait to meet Baby Leclerc!

Emily just loves to be next to Kendall, no matter what the circumstance!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Best Friends

As you may have noticed, Evie is a popular person in the Leclerc house, and has made many posts on this blog. Emily considers her "my best friend". They are very sweet together. There is never any arguing or bickering, in fact most of the time they are sickening sweet together. Evie is everything I could hope for as my daughters "first best friend" and I hope their friendship continues........at least until the BIG SURPRISE on October 31, 2011!

a few shots of the past 2 school years with Evie...

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Every Friday Emily and her school mates have a Shabbat service. They sing songs, read a story, and then return to their classrooms for Challah Bread and grape juice (unless you are Emily and you have water with the bread). Each child also makes His/her own loaf of Challah which is sent home and we eat ours in the car on the ride home!

Showing her "X" show-and-tell

A lot of the words to this song are in Hebrew so don't worry that you don't understand the words

Friday, May 13, 2011

Illustrations by Emily

The fact is this - Emily loves to draw! Anytime, anywhere, anything. I happen to love her people and thought I would share some of her latest work with everyone.

This is a group portrait of my book club. Donna, Ranger (Donna's dog), Emily (with the bow in her hair), me (next to her, of course), Maria, Sandy, Grammy Jean, and Julie.
Princess Diana (wearing her big veil) and Prince Charles

Kate and Prince William, in the castle. Notice his red jacket with blue sash, just like his wedding day

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Emily's Vacation Photos

One night, in Cancun, Emily wanted to take some photos. I thought this was a great idea and she had the best time taking pictures of EVERYTHING (thank heavens for digital). Here are a few of the photos she took.


for Grammy


an unsuspecting model

she loved this little girl's hair clip

my necklace

this couple was having a great time watching her and offered to pose for a photo

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day Tea

Last Thursday we celebrated Mother's Day at Emily's school. They planted flowers for us, made us a card, and we had snacks!

Not happy about having to leave for the day

Friday, May 6, 2011

Nothing But Good TImes

The title of this post is also the name of a new indoor play area in Merrimack. It is an AWESOME place and Emily and 3 friends from school had a great time there a few weeks ago.Logan, Emily, Evie, Maggie

How lucky is Logan?


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fun with the Twinkies

Last week we had spent some time with Evan and Kendall at the park and bowling!