Monday, May 2, 2011

Fit for a Princess

As some of you may, or may not know, I was a huge Princess Diana fan. I collected books, magazines, and other "Lady Di" items....and yes, I had her haircut too. A collection of 14 dresses, worn by Diana, is on display in Plymouth, NH for 2 weeks. I could not pass this up! Emily has been waiting for William and Kate's wedding for months and now she is totally into the whole thing, including Diana. One woman bought these 14 dresses, for $600,000, at an auction in 2007. At the time, Diana was still alive and she purchased them as an investment. After they leave Plymouth they will be auctioned off in Canada and the woman hopes to make 6 MILLION. Quite an investment I would say!

Emily was in her glory seeing all the dresses. She thought it was great and we had a good visit with Jen too.

"I love the pink dress so much I can't stop looking at it."

This was my favorite

Emily and Jen

we were not allowed to use flash so some of the lighting is not very good

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