Monday, June 6, 2011

Birthday Month

Yesterday we celebrated the first, of several, birthdays for Emily. With the Emily's niece coming in July, Ricky and Kendall buying a house at the end of June, and other end of the year activities, yesterday was the only day we could coordinate Rick's parents, Ricky, Kendall, and Doug on the same day. We had a low key birthday, but a birthday non-the-less. Emily loved every second and can't wait for the next celebration......stay tuned.

Emily has wanted this horse for months, Grandma and Grandpa came thru!

The brothers!

Alone time with Kendall

loves the money already!

an awesome cape from Grandma and Grandpa

This is funny...Ricky always picks something for Emily that is great....this year he gave her some adorable board shorts and this green shirt. Kendall tried to steer him toward a purple shirt, he would have non of it......

1 comment:

LeBlanc Family said...

The birthday month is beginning for us too - from this weekend straight through until the end of our beach vacation in July!