Monday, November 21, 2011

Apple vs. Tooth Fairy

Emily has a second loose tooth. On Friday night she decided to "eat" an apple to help the tooth fall out faster. Now, as most of you know, Emily does not like fruit. To watch her try to eat any type of fruit is painful (to me)..... she chokes, sputters, and spits....pathetic really. So the fact she "wants" to eat the apple is directly related to how badly she wants to Tooth Fairy to come visit her again.

talking a big game

trying to bite into a apple

not sure...

sputtering and spitting

not happy about the situation

1 comment:

LeBlanc Family said...

Elizabeth lost her 6th tooth the night before we left for Philly - and it was a bloody mess. I am very surprised that I am so grossed out about the tooth losing process.