Sunday, April 12, 2015

Science Fair Shocker

Every year I have asked Emily if she would like to partcipate in the science fair at Webster School. Each year she has said no. Scott Milne has had the same response from Sienna each year as well. This year, Scott asked the girls if they wanted to do it together (a very smart approach) and the answer was YES. The girls took this quite seriously, worked on the project over several days and practiced the presentation several times. When Friday night arrived the girls were ready!  There were many "dazzling" projects at the fair. Emily and Sienna's didn't have the flash of some others but the girls really knew their stuff! The third grade class has the most entries and Emily and Sienna won first prize for the third grade class. I was totally shocked! 
It must have been in the details and the presentation! and possibly the matching outfits??

Third grade entrants
Miss Martin awarding the WINNERS
Two happy girls

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