Sunday, May 1, 2016

Harry Potter Day 1

Emily has been beyond excited for our trip to Florida particularly for our diversion to Universal and Islands of Adventure for the Harry Potter sections!
Since I had already been there I knew how awesome it was and how much she would love it, and boy was I right.

 the interactive wands are the best far
The wand chooses the wizard. When we arrived at our hotel we had an hour to go to the park before it closed! we made the most of our hour! We went to Olivander's wand shop, and to the little show before purchasing a wand. Emily was picked to be in the show and of course the wizard helped Emily find the wand for her, which of course we purchased!

 the Night Bus

 our cartwheel photo
 Butterbeer in hand, super sweet

 calling the Ministry of stone is left unturned at this park!
 entrance to Diagon Alley
working her magic, making the pen float

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