Thursday, July 31, 2008

Race Night.....Sort of

A pre-race warm-up......perhaps we should have stopped with this.
At the starting line with Tia

Tia is trying to wait for Emily....and Emily is not having any of this race thing

Tia is sprinting to the finish and Emily is walking and crying

Emily loves to run, and talks about the "race" quite a bit....but that is where it ends. She likes the warm-up... but the minute the whistle blows she freezes.....stage fright? Who knows? Tia, who did not run last week, conquered her fears and ran this week, while trying to wait for Emily.

1 comment:

LeBlanc Family said...

How fun! We have been looking for something like that down here, but can't seem to find it. I have such fond memories of the Thursday evening "fun meets."